assume there is a tax-free bond yielding 7%. Investing in this bond or any of the many taxable choices available greatly depends on the investor's marginal tax bracket. In 2024, the tax-equivalent yield calculations for these brackets are: ...
Tax-free municipal bonds are not necessarily entirely free of taxes. As noted, there may be state income taxes on the interest. If you receive Social Security, your muni bond interest will count towards your adjusted gross income, thus potentially increasing the taxable amount of your Social Sec...
…a household worth $50 million would lose 2% of its wealth every year to the tax, or 20% over the first decade. For an asset yielding a steady 1.5% return, a 2% wealth tax is equivalent to an income tax of 133%. …And remember that the wealth tax would operate along with the ex...
Why municipal bonds may be bargains: munis yield over 4%--equivalent of a taxable bond yielding 6% for those in the 33% tax bracket.(Your Money)Luxenberg, Stan
Here are nine municipal bond funds that provide exposure to this tax-free income.There’s something for every type of fund preference: mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and closed-end funds (CEFs). (Image credit: iShares) iShares National Muni Bond ETF ...
These fivearen’tmuni-bond CEFs, so you will have to pay some tax on your dividends. But the upside is that these five funds are all run by managers who have your gains—and your tax bill—at heart. They’ve structured each fund’s income stream to make sure you’re paying the lowe...
a slowing economy or both. The three-year figures still reflect downward pressure on bond prices because interest rates are much higher than they were three years ago. Over longer periods, the higher-yielding approaches with more credit risk have had much higher returns than ...
The funds derived from the ET can be allocated towards a range of environmental safeguards and sustainable energy initiatives. An explanation of how the beneficial effects are produced is given in the following section. The utilization of detrimental energy sources, such as fossil fuels, incurs ...