Hans Boddens HosangT.M.C. Asser PressBoddens Hosang, J.F.R., "Rules of Engagement and Targeting," in Ducheine, P., Osinga, F.P.B., and Schmitt, M.N. [eds.], Targeting: The Challenges of Modern Warfare, TMC Asser, 2016.
The body armor industry is experiencing significant transformation driven by evolving global security dynamics and technological advancements. Modern-day warfare practices have shifted dramatically toward counterinsurgency, counter-terrorism, and guerrilla warfare operations, creating new challenges for personnel pr...
Osinga and Mark P. Roorda, "From Douhet to Drones, Air Warfare, and the Evolution of Targeting," in Targeting: The Challenges of Modern Warfare, ed. Paul A. L. Ducheine, Michael N. Schmitt, and Frans P. B. Osinga (The Hague, Neth.: T. M. C. Asser, 2016), p. 29....
doi:10.1007/978-94-6265-072-5_4Phillip R. PratznerT.M.C. Asser PressPratzner P (2015) The Current Targeting Process. In: Ducheine P, Schmitt M, Osinga F (eds), Targeting: Challenges of Modern Warfare,: TMC Asser Press/Springer, The Hague/Berlin, pp 77-97...
Terry D. GillT.M.C. Asser PressGill, Terry. `Some Considerations Concerning the Role of the Ius ad Bellum in Targeting'. In P. Ducheine, M. Schmitt, and F. Osinga (eds), Targeting: Challenges of Modern Warfare. The Hague: Springer, forthcoming....
Targeting is used in military doctrine to describe a military operational way, using (military) means to influence a target (or addressee) in order to achieve designated political and/or military goals. The four factors italicized are used to analyse non