较高的不良事件表明需要更好的工具来评估CICs患者的目标微循环压力。 参考文献:Maiwall R, Rao Pasupuleti SS, Hidam AK, et al. A randomised-controlled trial (TARGET-C) of high vs. low target mean arterial pressure in p...
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We find that, by 2050, jobs in the energy sector would grow from today's 18 million to 21 million in the reference scenario and even more, to 26 million, under our well-below 2°C scenario. Overall, in 2050, under well-below 2°C scenario, of the total jobs, 84% would be ...
"Both China and the United States benefit from bilateral trade, so efforts to undermine Sino-U.S. trade, or even slapping sanctions on China, I think would be off-target," Cui said at a Chinese National Day reception. "If someone were to pressure China or impose sanctions on China over...
Table 3.Overview of wholesale electricity markets of the Europe. a Estonia is also included in the electricity market of Nordic countries. b Also covers Austria and Switzerland. c MPE is additionally responsible for the ancillary services market (MSD). ...
摘要: The principle of recording holograms directly on a CCD target is described. A real image of the object is reconstructed from the digitally sampled hologram by means of numerical methods.关键词: INTERFEROMETRY HOLOGRAPHY: APPLICATIONS IMAGE PROCESSING CHARGE-COUPLED DEVICES ...
In a government work report released Sunday , China set its GDP growth target at around 6.5 percent for this year , lower than a target range of 6.5 - 7 percent last year , but in line with the IMF ' s latest growth forecast in January .