硅谷的Target School: 美国专业招聘平台Jobvite(被Twitter, Zendesk, LinkedIn等硅谷高科技公司作为招聘工具)分析了七百万求职申请和四万名雇员,根据数据总结出了20个最容易被硅谷及周边地区的顶级企业雇佣的大学: 圣何塞州立大学 (#24 in Regional Universities West) 加州大学伯克利分校(USNews综合大学排名 #22) 旧金山...
据全球职场社交平台领英(LinkedIn)统计,Facebook和谷歌等美国知名企业80%的员工基本都来自全美排名前200的高校,且公司都具有“Target School”库。 从上述报告中,我们可以看出,上榜的美国各行业大牛公司其员工基本都来自于美国排名前200的大学...
举个例子,有这样一所大学,在 2022 U.S. NEWS 全美大学排名中位列 59 位,但它却深受高科技公司欢迎:人才衡量解决方案机构 SHL 对超过 80 万份 LinkedIn profile 进行研究发现,有超过五千位 Amazon 职员和超过六千位 Microsoft 职员来自于这所院校 (SHL,2020)。它就是位于美国西雅图的华盛顿大学。<< 滑...
但是,极少有同学会提前了解到大厂之间心照不宣的秘密:“我只想招那些来自Target School的学生”,尤其是对于近几年竞争逐渐变得激烈的互联网行业。 互联网目标院校名单意外流出? 之前IntelliproGroup扒了扒FLAG(Facebook脸书、LinkedIn领英、Amazon亚马逊和...
The #opentowork hashtag may attract the wrong crowd as criminals target LinkedIn users to steal personal information, or scam them. - View Press Release - Visit Malwarebytes NID: 96660 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron Categories: Press Release ...
New Target Audience Analysis Findings on LinkedIn For the purposes of this study, we analyzed five audiences: C-level executives, IT decision makers, marketing functions, small business owners, and SMBs. We also broke these segments down by geographies, but in ...
科技公司,最典型的就是在硅谷扎堆的那些,包括Twitter、Zendes、LinkedIn等。美国专业招聘平台Jobvite通过数据分析发现,这些公司最爱从这20所学校招聘人才: 康奈尔大学 加州大学欧文分校 亚利桑那州立大学 密歇根大学 加州理工大学 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 ...
Here I am, scrolling through my LinkedIn connections, waiting for one of them to contact me and ask for help. Some of them I don't actually know.LinkedIn certainly puts a bunch of updates, notices and articles I don't care about on my page. Still waiting for someone to send an email...
Here I am, scrolling through my LinkedIn connections, waiting for one of them to contact me and ask for help. Some of them I don't actually know.LinkedIn certainly puts a bunch of updates, notices and articles I don't care about on my page. Still waiting for someone to send an email...
GET https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adSegments/123 Sample Response JSON {"created": {"actor":"urn:li:unknown:0","time":1678259032000},"name":"CSV company upload segment","lastModified": {"actor":"urn:li:unknown:0","time":1678259032000},"id":123,"type":"BULK","account":"urn:li:spo...