To celebrate the occasion, we are launching several exciting offers that are available for all tankers! 📈 Promo Codes for Joining Upon reaching certain member-milestones, we will publish a Promo Code having a very special prize for all players! Once o
Activating Promo codes or participating in official tournaments and events You can read more about earning crystals in this special article.How to earn Tankoins? Main way to get tankoins is to purchase them in the Shop. Tankoins can be received for free for: Completing missions Opening cont...
Shop and Promo codes It will also require less time to make further updates now. What are the development plans? We are already working on the Grenades update — it will be released for all devices at the same time. This change will also bring us a step closer to releasing the game to...
We need your help again with the stress testing of the servers and are ready to reward you for your help! To do this, we ask you to: Follow thelink; Log in to the test server using your main server account; Activate promo codes* ...
websitestarting from Tuesday, March 16th till Sunday, March 21st, and receive an additional 2 containers if the team that you have voted for wins. Join our livestreams everyday at 17 UTC during the event to find out who won in a match earlier than others and to win some promo codes. ...