已知tan110°=a,求tan50°时,同学甲利用两角差的正切公式求得:;同学乙利用二倍角公式及诱导公式得;根据上述信息可估算a是介于 两个连续整数之间.
优质解答 ∵CD⊥AB于点D,∴∠ADC=∠CDB=90°,∵在Rt△ACB中,∠ACB=90°,∴tanA=BCAC=CDAD,tanB=ACBC=CDBD;∵∠A+∠B=90°,∠A+∠ACD=90°,∠B+∠BCD=90°,∴∠ACD=∠B,∠BCD=∠A,∴tan∠ACD=tanB=ACBC=CDBD,tan∠... 作业帮用户 2017-03-25 举报 问题解析 先由三角形的高的定义得出...
2.1.1659 Part 1 Section, degHide (Hide Degree) 2.1.1660 Part 1 Section, den (Denominator) 2.1.1661 Part 1 Section, dispDef (Use Display Math Defaults) 2.1.1662 Part 1 Section, e (Element (Argument)) 2.1.1663 Part 1 Section 22.1.2...
一、分隔单元格的方法 1、用“transform: rotate(-55deg);”把一条水平线旋转一定角度就成斜线了 2、利用以下命令调整分割线位置等。 :after :before transform: rotate(-55deg); transform-origin: top; 3、注意:加斜线的单元格的宽高需要时固定值,否则会乱掉。 二、斜下框线效果及对应html代码: 1、效果...
cos 15 deg cos 30 deg - sin 15 deg sin 30 deg Find the exact value of the expression sin ( 100 o ) cos ( 55 o ) cos ( 100 o ) sin ( 55 o ) Find the exact value. sin( \frac{11\pi}{3} )cos( \frac{-5\pi}{6}) Find the exact value of sin ^{-1} (\frac{...
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stirring said slurry at a temperature from about 55 DEG to about 100 DEG C., cooling said slurry to a temperature near Glauber's salt transition temperature, adding a froth modifier to said slurry cooled to a temperature near Glauber's salt transition temperature, subjecting said cooled slurry...
lør. 22 5°/0° 94% lør. 22| Dag 5° 94% Ø10km/t Det kommer regn i løpet av ettermiddagen. Høy 5°C. Vinder Ø og vekslende. Sjanse for regn 90%. Fuktighet80% UV-indeks3 av 11 Soloppgang6:30 Solnedgang17:52 ...
Deep 360 Pilot: Learning a Deep Agent for Piloting Through 360deg Sports Videos CVPR code 27 Neural Message Passing for Quantum Chemistry ICML code 27 State-Frequency Memory Recurrent Neural Networks ICML code 27 DeepCD: Learning Deep Complementary Descriptors for Patch Representations ICCV code 26 ...