On August 28th awomaninTamilNaduburnedherselftodeathtoprotestagainst theimminenthangings. 八月二十八号,一名妇女在泰米尔纳德自焚身亡,以抗议即将执行的绞刑。 article.yeeyan.org 8. Morethan100peoplehavediedoverthepastfewweeksduetoincessantrainsinthesouthernIndianstate ofTamilNadu. ...
Tamil Nadu 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 n. 泰米尔纳德邦(印度南的邦) 近义、反义、联想词 近词 n. state,province 英语例句库 Most of the quarries are under the control of the state-ownedTamil NaduMinerals Ltd (TAMIN) and most of TAMIN's quarries are lying unoperated, says Mr N....
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Share Post the Definition of Tamil Nadu to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of Tamil Nadu on Twitter Twitter More from Merriam-Webster on Tamil Nadu Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about Tamil Nadu Love words? Need even more definitions? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary ...
Related to Tamil Nadu:Tamil Tigers Tamil Na·du (nä′do͞o) A state of southern India on the Bay of Bengal and the Palk Strait. A succession of kingdoms and empires ruled the region from prehistoric times until it fell under British control in the 1700s and 1800s. Chennai is the ...
Tamil Nadu definition: a large state in S India: formerly a presidency; boundaries readjusted on a linguistic basis 1956. 50,216 sq. mi. (130,058 sq. km).Capital. See examples of TAMIL NADU used in a sentence.
Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation VIT Vellore In conclusion, embarking on the journey of higher education atTamilnadu Fisheries UniversityforTFU Nagapattinamis a significant step towards a fulfilling and rewarding career. With comprehensive insights into the admission process, courses, and opportunities...
Latest daily news in Tamil including Local Tamil Nadu, Politics, Business, Sport, Entertainment, Indian, World, Aanmegam and more.
Karupatti – Tamil Nadu’s own sweetener – is made from “padani” or sweet sap from the palm trees. The making of karupatti is still done in traditional ways across Tamil Nadu. Padani is collected from the palm tree in an earthen pot by the palm tree climbers. To avoid fermentation ...
Elumalai Polytechnic College is one of the best polytechnic colleges in Tamilnadu providing diploma courses, Villupuram polytechnic college established in 1983