Also, you just called E. Gadd creepy. I think he's an eccentric weirdo. By the way, I heard that Dark of the Moon is a great game. I can't wait for my twin sister to try it! Hopefully, I will put those lame, disappointing Mario games to shame. I love Mario, the guy, but ...
If you don’t know the song, you can’t appreciate what Makenna did with that. One of those moments where people applaud in the middle of the song. Then the chorus again, one last time. But I’m a creep I’m a weirdo What the hell am I doin’ here? I don’t belong here I ...
You need to apply what you're learning to solving problems, or you'll forget. I made this mistake. Once you've learned a topic, and feel comfortable with it, like linked lists, open one of the coding interview books and do a couple of questions regarding linked lists. Then move on to...
Learn how to talk about what you want in English. Whats the difference between I prefer, I would prefer, and I would rather? In this English grammar lesson, you will learn how to tell people what you would like when faced with more than one option. Take
What is it with the fake red hued one? I mean it's an awesome creepypasta but it's kinda lulzy, like Weirdowithcoffee said. I actually am more scared of the fake one because it looks more like an alien hybrid than the real one, just looks like a devil dog. But anyway, I rate ...
Sea Talk 是一档访谈对话类 Web3 播客节目,以人为本,每周邀请 Web3 局内人和从业者聊天,挖掘他们关于技术、产品与投资的洞察,传播共识与观点。 主理人 Sea 在做了十多年 Web2 产品经理和创业者后,一头扎进 Web3 兔子洞。 添加微信号 SeaTalkss 进入听友群。
who I end up having a bit of banter with. They just seem like the kind of folk who went to L.A in hope of pursuing their sitcom and film ambitions, ended up over-staying there visa, and ran out of money. Those kind of weirdos. The kind of weirdo which I am counting down to so...
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Sea Talk 第 6 期的嘉宾是 Sleepy,他是 NFT 项目 Weirdo Ghost Gang (小幽灵) 的创始人,从 2021 年底筹备项目至今有 2 年时间,他们最初以 PFP 切入,到中间行业整体遇冷,Sleepy 和团队一直在围绕项目持续运营和交付,更是尤为难得。在本期对话中,我更多关注的是,他们是怎么一路过来的,作为创业者经历了怎样的...
Sea Talk 第 6 期的嘉宾是 Sleepy,他是 NFT 项目 Weirdo Ghost Gang (小幽灵) 的创始人,从 2021 年底筹备项目至今有 2 年时间,他们最初以 PFP 切入,到中间行业整体遇冷,Sleepy 和团队一直在围绕项目持续运营和交付,更是尤为难得。在本期对话中,我更多关注的是,他们是怎么一路过来的,作为创业者经历了怎样的...