Takumi is a fresh, fun and flavorful scene that offers the freshest sushi and the most fun hibachi tables. Take a trip here and you will experience the most flavorful dishes New York has to offer... Read More
不过,与其他在吉隆坡的Omakase餐厅相比,这家的摆盘比较传统,没有特别的花式(因为他们家是传统式)。如果你想看到更花式的摆盘,可以去他们旗下的Sushi Ryu,价格也差不多。环境:3.5/5 食物:4/5 价格:3/5 服务:5/5 是否再次回访:可能Sushi Takumi 地址:No. 81, Jalan SS 20/11, Damansara Kim, 47400 Peta...
久违了半年的外出用餐,这次选择了Sushi Takumi,匠寿司。已经有四个月没有在外面吃饭了,感觉有点紧张。不过,先声明一下,这并不是鼓励大家一直外出用餐,但如果你有自信能遵守SOP并且对你选择的餐厅有信心,我觉得是可以的。但还是要注意安全,遵守SOP!Sushi Takumi和KL著名的Ryu隶属于同一家餐饮公司,所以主厨是从Ryu过...
🌟PJ的Omakase新宠,Sushi Takumi等你来尝!🌟位于Damansara Kim的Sushi Takumi,听说与Sushi Ryu有渊源,真是让人惊喜连连!😲 与男友一同体验,提前两周预约,才得以品尝这美味的Omakase。📞🍣 店面虽小,仅能容纳12位客人,加上一间VIP Room,但环境精致,灯光柔和,营造出极佳的用餐氛围。💡👨🍳 寿司师傅...
SUSHI TAKUMI:鲜到服务赞! 这次我们来到了Curate Group旗下的SUSHI TAKUMI,体验了一番美食之旅。他们提供两种套餐:LUNCH OMAKASE(RM288++)和PREMIUM OMAKASE(RM588++),此外还有a la carte和季节性额外菜品。 我们四人选择了LUNCH OMAKASE,价格为RM288++。菜品包括3道开胃菜、2道刺身、1道热菜、7道寿司🍣、1道...
Storia (Sudo Magodo Mix) Progressive House Sounds, Vol. 2 Takumi Sushi 歌词 专辑信息
Enjoy sushi with Tempura. A branch of a restaurant that has been awarded Michelin stars for eight consecutive years Beautiful sushi and tempura made with ingredients carefully selected by the head chef Enjoy a masterpiece that thoroughly pursues the ingredients, taste, color, aroma, atmosphere, and...
Great sushi spot in Nashua Apr 2022 • none We've dined at the Takumi many times over the years, but had not been since the start of the pandemic. I'm happy to report we had a good dinner, and found the place very busy. There seemed to be non-stop birthday partie...
Sushi, Sake Bar Welcome to TAKUMI in Oregon inspired by the spirit and culture of Japanese cuisine. Taste. That's what it's all about. TAKUMI, Japanese Cuisine offers the opportunity to explore the diverse world of indigenous Japanese spirits. ...
Sushi Experience in Sushi Takumi, Tokyo Japanese Japan, 〒171-0021, 1-10-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, ISO Building 4F-B Save to wishlist S$ 247.19 Enjoy sushi with Tempura. A branch of a restaurant that has been awarded Michelin stars for eight consecutive years...