盘点:Taco Bell新出的盒饭!$16两人吃撑! 看剧的时候跳出来Taco Bell广告,原来又出新品了! 所以和家属买了两盒新塔可饼来尝鲜。 首先,Taco Bell是真便宜! DISCOVERY LUXE BOX $9。包含了新出的慢煎芝士鸡肉卷、香辣芝士塔可、牛肉末塔可、肉桂卷、饮料(可选咖啡、苏打、还有新出的冰沙)。 SUPREME LUXE BOX ...
Taco Bell|今日份午餐 · 墨西哥傳統塔可 今日份午餐是墨西哥傳統美食塔可! 今天分別買了三款不同的塔可,其實裡面都是一樣的牛肉、生菜絲,芝士,就是外殼不一樣,一款是普通的脆皮塔可,一款是普通的軟皮塔可,另一款是同時有軟皮喝硬皮的塔可,吃起來脆脆的,很不錯呢!而這三款都是$1.99一個喔! Flatbread也是我挺...
今日份美味午餐來自久違的 Taco Bell ,雖然是中國胃,但偶爾吃一下世界各國的美食也是很有驚喜的啦! Taco Bell 就不需多介紹啦,遍布全美的連鎖快餐廳,主營墨西哥傳統美食。今天我就買了好些不一樣的品種,一次吃個夠!  
Taco Bell新品·gelato 晚餐不知道吃啥,想起了广告看到的Taco Bell出了款Gelato,就去试试吧。 选了一份套餐,$7.5。包含了一杯饮料,一个crunchy wrap(有其他选项),一个soft shell taco(其他可选),还有一份cinnamon twist(其他可选)。 感觉真的很划算,晚餐搞定了还顺便把第二天的早餐也安排了,毕竟这套餐之大...
非常喜欢这里的氛围。桌子很多,座位的选择也很多,然后节假日来的时候基本不用排队,之前有点过他们家的外卖,但是我觉得还是在店里比外卖好吃一些。 taco很好吃。灯光是紫色的,所以拍不出来美味的效果 food_deal_module: dotSource: 回应 2023-05-31 18:04 ...
Now I don’t know who got snarky with who first in the exchange between the Dallas Taco Bell worker and the guy in the drive-thru, but I do know that it’s never a good idea to yell at the people who make your food. That’s how you end up with spit in your food. ...
Taco Bell, a fast food restaurant specializing in Tex-Mex cuisine has been serving up delicious tacos, burritos, quesadillas, nachos, and other specialty dishes since it first opened its doors on March 21, 1962 in Downey, California. Founded by Glen Bell with a culinary vision distinct from ...
Taco Bell's Cravings Value Menu 10:30 am to 10:00 pm |Discounted| Taco Bell 4 for $4 Meal Deal at Wendy’s 10:30 am to 10:00 pm | $4.00 | Wendy’s Wendy's Biggie Bag Meal Deal 10:30 am to 10:00 pm | $5.00-7.00 | Wendy’s ...
Taco Bell bids. (contractors sign deal for remodeling properties of Taco Bell)(Real Deals)Waldon, George
Taco Bell点评(8 条) 电话:+1 212-828-1292 地址:12 E 125th St, 纽约市, NY点评(8条) 3分 评分: 发表 可以输入1000字Taco bell and KFC are from same brand, both of ... 2016-02-19 00:00来自携程 网友 Taco bell and KFC are from same brand, both of them are always located ...