4.2.1 解释离散字段如何显示 4.2.2 解释连续字段如何显示 4.2.3 解释离散日期部分和连续日期值之间的区别 4.3 了解聚合 4.3.1 解释度量的默认聚合 4.3.2 描述在将维度添加到视图时,聚合度量会如何变化 认证续期 此认证头衔长期有效,而且没有续期要求。
I have taken a udemy course which is good but I would like to take some more mock exams so I can practice these tests. I can see on the Tableau learning website that if the suggested training for this exam is the course Tableau Desktop I. Is that it? I mean, if I complete this ...
里面包含2个key:(1) 一年内免费使用Tableau Desktop 以及 Tableau Prep ; (2)一年内免费在eLearning平台上自学。注:我考试准备主要用的就是这个eLearning平台,上面学完后也会发证书以及徽章,领英上可以share的那种。学习完Tableau Desktop Specialist相关的课程后,可以顺便获取Tableau Author的小徽章,这个是免费的。 ...
所以说,Tableau的能力也是岗位面试时候参考的一个重点。正好Tableau在2018年年底,新发布了一款证书,也就是Tableau Desktop Specialist Certificate。这个证书相对于另外两个的优点就是:1.有效期是永久的。2.相对便宜。只需要100美元。但是换句话说,这个证书也相对简单一些。 下面说一下我的备考历程。我是在7.16号知道的...
此套餐包含考试凭证,以及第二次尝试的机会(如果您第一次没有通过)。 了解更多信息 Desktop I:基础 在您为考试进行准备时,请探索我们为期两天的讲师引导式虚拟课程,以及更多 eLearning 课程,以了解相关基础知识。 了解更多信息 提升您的数据技能,成为 Tableau Desktop Specialist。 立即安排考试...
5) Specialist Exam 1 Chinese 试试用这份全长拟真试题来帮助您通过 Tableau Desktop Specialist 考试吧!试题涵盖了理论问题和实操问题。试题会被自动评分,并附有逐步详解 $9.99 Add to Cart 6) Specialist Exam 1 Spanish ¡Certificate como Tableau Desktop Specialist preparándote con este completo exámen de...
官方考试指南中提到,Tableau Desktop Specialist Exam Guide 是获取详细信息的重要途径。在实际考试中,考生需注意以下几个关键点:1)考试版本的适应性:当前考试版本为 2020.01,但在实际准备过程中使用的是 2021.01 版本。建议考前使用考试版本进行练习,以适应操作界面的差异。2)Mac 用户需特别注意,...
We are laser-focusing: help you pass Tableau Desktop Specialist Exam in 2025 without much efforts. There are many questions on the web that are either outdated or wrongly answered. I am trying here to filter all those questions and provide you with a nice tool to practice the exam similar ...
Desktop-Specialist Exam Materials won't let the client wait for too much time and the client will receive the mails in 5-10 minutes sent by our system. Desktop-Specialist Test Torrent is very high and about 99% and so usually the client will pass the exa
The estimated average salary of Tableau Desktop-Specialist: Tableau Desktop Specialist Exam is listed below:Country wise: India: 8580000 INR Europe: 97000 EURO United States: 114000 USD England: 87200 POUND A man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed. Don't worry, our Desktop-Specialist...