I'm trying to repair these tables but getting nowhere. I have tried "REPAIR TABLE ..." using MySQL Workbench and it just says that the tables don't exist. I tried adding a InnoDB recovery option to my.ini and restarting the MySQL Windows Service. I have tried using mysqldump and it ...
MySQL导致metadata lock或者flush table lock原因排查方法 1,要么是长时间查询,比如因为执行了错误的执行计划就flush table或者analyze table,这样可能导致其他查询语句执行时间过长的问题, 2,要么是lock table read, 3,要么是开启了事务没有提交, 4,要么是关闭了自动提交事务配置。 时间查询 执行时间 查询语句 ...
发现:ERROR1146(42S02):Table'columns_v2'doesn't exist 在MySQL中,表是和操作系统中的文件对应的,而文件名在有的操作系统下是区分大小写的(比如linux),有的是不区分大小写(比如Windows),表名与文件名的大小写对应关系,MySQL 是通过lower_case_table_names这个变量来控制的。 这个变量的有效取值是0,1,2,按照...
Re: #1146 - Table ... doesn't exist Posted by:Jonathan Sachs Date: June 29, 2011 07:43AM Here it is. For the sake of confidentiality, COMMENT fields have been removed and some column names have been obfuscated. CREATE TABLE courses (...
Re: Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.host' doesn't exist Syed muhammad ali naqvi July 01, 2006 03:14PM Re: Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.host' doesn't exist
mysqladmin -u user -p create DataBase It's Run OK and create the DataBase, BUT when i restore the Database: mysql -u user -p DataBase < MyFile.sql Show a message like: ERROR 1146 (42S02) Table 'DataBase.MyTable' doesn't exist. ...
Re: Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.host' doesn't existPosted by: marko.skarica Date: April 05, 2006 10:12PM Continued from my previous post, in the mysql.server script, datadir is initially set to "/var/lib/mysql", then in some following code, ...
When I enter this query "select * from books", it gives me this error message: "Error 1146: Table "test.1" doesn't exist". What does that mean? This is MySQL 5.0 and I just installed today. How can I solve this problem?
2. On test db - Error 1146: Table 'test.1' doesn't exist Does anyone know what causes this? Cheers Subject Written By Posted Error 1146: Table 'mysql.1' doesn't exist Luke Smith January 06, 2005 05:55PM Re: Error 1146: Table 'mysql.1' doesn't exist ...
Thank you, Peter. My guess is that you are referring to the MySQL /doc link, section "Cannot Open File Error". If that is not correct please let me know. Most of the tables that are showing as "doesn't exist" with mysqlchk are tables I don't need anyhow (almost all are leftover...