Since doing this, several tables I have in this database are not working. When I try to write to one of the tables that isn't working, I get the following error: ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'bar.sometable' doesn't exist I have tried restarting the MySQL service, running 'mysqlcheck ...
# Mysql flush table 和 lock table 实现流程 ## 1. 概述在使用MySQL数据库进行开发时,有时需要对表进行刷新(flush table)和锁定(lock table)的操作。本文将详细介绍flush table和lock table的实现流程,并提供相应的示例代码和注释。 ## 2. flush table 和 lock table 流程图 ```mer ...
发现:ERROR1146(42S02):Table'columns_v2'doesn't exist 在MySQL中,表是和操作系统中的文件对应的,而文件名在有的操作系统下是区分大小写的(比如linux),有的是不区分大小写(比如Windows),表名与文件名的大小写对应关系,MySQL 是通过lower_case_table_names这个变量来控制的。 这个变量的有效取值是0,1,2,按照...
Create stored procedure if doesn't exists in sysobjects Create Stored Procedure in Master DB or MSDB? Create stored procedure on linked server CREATE TABLE - BIT DataType and Default Value Create table from stored procedure Create table help Create Table with current date as part of the table ...
Mysql: "Table 'xx.XXXX' doesn't exist" 当通过Spring-Data JPA进行数据库查询时,后台返回查询语句,将查询语句粘贴,到数据库执行.返回Table 'xx.XXXX' doesn't exist 提示数据库没有这张表. 尝试解决 原因,服务器是Linux环境下,因此对数据库表名大小写敏感,在使用别名时会出现查询失败.因此需要将数据库配置...
function_query($sql, $inputarr){global$ADODB_COUNTRECS;// Move to the next recordset, or return false if there is none. In a stored proc// call, mysqli_next_result returns true for the last "recordset", but mysqli_store_result// returns false. I think this is because the last "re...
Table 'xxx' doesn't exist Posted by:Juergen Gnoss Date: April 07, 2013 02:05AM strange thing happens. have a look: login onto console database and table new created then === mysql> insert into `miguel.errortext` (`name`) values ('machine stopped'); Query OK, 1 row...
mysql -u dbuser -p db < /home/path/data.sql All goes well, the restore rebuilds over 350 tables but then stops with the error ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 8663: Table 'mydb.zipData' doesn't exist Can anyone tell me what might be causing this. It has already restored 350 tables ...
2. On test db - Error 1146: Table 'test.1' doesn't exist Does anyone know what causes this? Cheers Subject Written By Posted Error 1146: Table 'mysql.1' doesn't exist Luke Smith January 06, 2005 05:55PM Re: Error 1146: Table 'mysql.1' doesn't exist ...
I got the message "#1146 - Table 'dbname.tablename' doesn't exist." I tried copying the CREATE TABLE statement at the beginning of the import file and executing it by itself. I got the same error. This doesn't make sense to me. If something is wrong with my request -- faulty perm...