MRIlesionassessmentnon‐contrast‐enhancedimagingRFablationT1‐weightedimagingPurposeTo demonstrate imaging of radiofrequency ablation lesions with non-contrast-enhanced T1-weighted (T1w) MRI.doi:10.1002/mrm.26750MichaelDepartmentA.DepartmentGuttmanDepartment...
To assess contrast-enhanced (C+), fat-saturated (FatSat), T1-weighted (T1W) imaging in the characterization of the soft tissue mass associated with primary bone tumors, we compared it with T2-weighted (T2W) imaging in patients with osteosarcoma ( n = 36) and Ewing sarcoma family of tumo...
MRS-波谱:脑、前列腺 各部位MRI常规扫描序列: 中枢(脑、脊髓): 轴位:T2WI、T1WI、T2WI/T1WI-FLAIR、contrast、DWI;矢状 T2WI;contrast(轴矢冠);脊髓:矢状T2WI、T1WI、T2WI压脂; 腹部(肝胆胰脾肾、子宫、前列腺): T2WI压脂、T1WI正反相位、T1WI预扫、...
We describe a standard set of quantity names and symbols related to the estimation of kinetic parameters from dynamic contrast-enhanced T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging data, using diffusable agents such as gadopentetate dimeglumine (Gd-DTPA). These include a) the volume transfer constant Ktrans...
We present an ultrahigh resolution in vivo human brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dataset. It consists of T1-weighted whole brain anatomical data acquired at 7 Tesla with a nominal isotropic resolution of 250 μm of a single young healthy Caucas
各部位MRI常规扫描序列: 中枢(脑、脊髓): 轴位:T2WI、T1WI、T2WI/T1WI-FLAIR、contrast、DWI;矢状 T2WI;contrast(轴矢冠);脊髓:矢状T2WI、T1WI、T2WI压脂; 腹部(肝胆胰脾肾、子宫、前列腺): T2WI压脂、T1WI正反相位、T1WI预扫、DWI、contrast(轴矢冠)、 ...
MRI of soft-tissue tumors: fast STIR sequence as substitute for T1-weighted fat-suppressed contrast-enhanced spin-echo sequence. The purpose of this study was to assess the value of the fast STIR sequence in comparison with the T1-weighted fat-suppressed contrast-enhanced sequence in... O Toku...
The purpose of this study was to investigate if DWI can be an alternative to contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging (CE T1WI) for demonstrating DIT in MS. Methods We selected patients with clinically definite MS and evaluated their baseline brain MRI. Asymptomatic lesions were identified as either...
Controlled loading of superparamagnetic nanoparticles in fluorescent nanogels as effective T2-weighted MRI contrast agents Spherical superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoclusters (IONCs) with well-controlled shape and size were fabricated. The formation of IONCs was induced by a so... ES Guang Choo,X Tang...
Contrast enhanced MR imaging of the brain using T1-FLAIR with BLADE compared with conventional spin echo sequence S. Naganawa1, H. Kawai1, and H. Fukatsu1 1Department of Radiology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan Introduction: Contrast enhanced MRI of the ...