如果您追求信号覆盖和网络质量,且预算充足,Verizon是最佳选择。 如果您希望价格实惠且对网络质量要求不高,或者经常需要国际通信服务,T-Mobile更适合您。 如果您希望在网络质量和价格之间找到平衡,AT&T则是一个不错的选择。 请根据您的具体需求和预算做出决策。
Verizon's Guaranteed Trade-in Promo requires a smartphone trade-in from Apple, Google, or Samsung and a new line for 36 mos; trade-in/promo credit applied over 36 mos. For T-Mobile, Latest 5G Phone is financed over 24 mos; AT&T is financed over 36 mos. Latest 5G Phone monthly ...
Use our savings calculator to find out how you can switch and save on wireless and streaming versus AT&T and Verizon at T-Mobile.com/Switch. With 3 lines, including taxes, fees, plus optional streaming services where applicable. Get full terms Shop...
Verizon has recently updated its unlimited plan options.Now, you can choose one of three basic plans and add any additional perks you’d like at $10 per month per perk.These optional perks include the Disney Bundle, 100GB of mobile hotspot, 3 TravelPass days, Walmart+ Memberships and more...
我的建议是,既然美洲电信是用的T-Mobile的服务,而且价格更便宜,不打算换成AT&T或者Verizon的话,就没必要把美洲电信换成T-Mobile了。 5.Summary 综上所述,有几个要点: a. 有美洲电信就不要换T-Mobile的卡了,没必要(个人观点); b. AT&T信号强度在USC周边并不比美洲电信好太多,但上网都很快; ...
For postpaid users, T-Mobile says it allows unlocking of fully paid-off phones that have been active for at least 40 days. But given the 365-day lock on prepaid users, T-Mobile's overall policy is more onerous than those of other carriers. T-Mobile has alsofaced angry ...
When choosing a mobile phone service, you want to know which one has a good strong signal and a fast 4G (or 5G) data connection, in the places where you live and use your cell phone. In their advertising, Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile all make various claims about network coverage, ...
I JUST visited the T-Mobile store at Microsoft Commons and saw the new HTC-HD7 and the Dell Venue Pro devices. I have to say, it blows anything I have seen or owned so far!First impressions:WOW! The HTC HD7 is slick but the screen quality on the Dell Venue Pro is a tad bi...
Remember, 5G is an inevitability, the same way that 4G replaced 3G before it. Eventually, it will come to us all. Whether you decide to pick a 5G network now or wait to see how 5G rolls out in your area, here's what to consider when you look at a 5G mobile...
Las Vegas’ hottest new sports and entertainment venue, located just west of the famed Las Vegas Strip, will be officially named T-Mobile Arena.