一种是Postpaid Plan(后付费), 一种是Prepaid Plan(预付费)。 1.Postpaid Plan就是用户选择一款套餐,然后运营商根据用户当月的实际使用情况(例如有没有超出通话分钟或流量)来计算费用,月末寄账单给用户。通常后付费套餐激活时需要缴纳激活费,卡费,并出示期在美信用记录(SSN)才可以办理,每个月还要收取额外的税和附...
***5G Home Internet: 5G Home plan at $35/mo. or 5G Home Plus plan at $45/mo. when combined with postpaid mobile unlimited plan that includes 5G Ultra Wideband. Auto Pay & paper-free billing req’d. Availability varies. Subject to credit approval. Price guarantee: 2 yrs for 5G Home,...
T-Mobile is about to grant free Netflix subscriptions to customers with unlimited family plans — opening a new content-fueled front in the wireless wars. With the Netflix promo, the price of the T-Mobile One unlimited plans remains the same: $40 per line monthly for four lines ($47 ...
AT&T推出的Unlimited无限流量套餐有三个套餐等级,最基础的Unlimited Starter套餐$65/月起,4条线可降至$35/月/线,包含无限通话、短信和数据流量,在美国可向200+国家发送无限免费短信,在加拿大墨西哥境内也可以无限通话短信和网络(但可能只有2G网速),使用5G网络无须额外加钱,包含ActiveArmor安全服务可以拦截骚扰电话。 U...
Tmobile并没有和Apple签约,所以没有便宜的iPhone可以拿到,想用他家的套餐只能自己从Apple官网买无锁的iPhone然后到他家来上台,使用他家的Value Plan。刚来美国的时候可以用他家的Monthly Plan,30刀一个月,因为有短信有电话,涵盖基本用途。 Value Plan $39.99(500 Min) $0(Unlimited messages) $0(200MB) = $39....
Verizon的无限流量基础套餐Start Unlimited $70起/月,4条线降至$35/月/线,包括5G Nationwide网络,无限通话、短信和流量,在美国境内可向加拿大和墨西哥打无限电话发无限短信,在加拿大和墨西哥境内可以无限通话和发短信,每天0.5GB流量,之后网速减到2G;在美国境内可向超过200个国家及地区发送无限短信。另外包含6个月免费...
美国手机运营商Family Plan收费问题 以T-mobile Family Plan中的unlimited minutes Talk为例,有一个是Unlimited minutes Talk +unlimited minutes Text,这套餐是119.99刀/month,说是2lines to start,是不是指2个人加起来119.99,还是每人119.99?后面还说additional lines:share existing Whenever Minutes and unlimited mes...
As you can see, the top-tier plans follow similar pricing structures, and unlimited talk, text, and data are all standard. AT&T and Verizon are more specific with plan details and offer international texting in over 120 countries. T-Mobile’s plan is the most affordable of the three, regar...
本吧热帖: 1-纯 T 在库,有没有人懂 2-有需要Tmobile充值卡的吗? 3-客服说3-5天解锁是忽悠的吗 4-这个是什么情况哥们 5-T版有锁机可以使用s转t的esim吗 6-tmobile群 7-这个怎么解?一直最后一步跳这个 8-T-Mobile/AT&T/Verizon/US Mobile 优惠套餐 9-T-Mobile官解,上车的
T-Mobile USA, the fourth-largest cell phone operator in the U.S., is launching new service promotions in an effort to keep long-term customers and attract new ones. The company plans to offer a special $50 per month unlimited voice plan to longtime customers in San Francisco, initially. ...