US Mobile If you want a plan that’s perfectly tailored to your needs, US Mobile is the way to go. You can choose your ideal level of talk, text, and data for as little as $5 per month or go unlimited for $40. 5G access will cost you a little extra, but it’s nice to know...
Go5G Plan Enjoy one of our most popular phone plans with amazing benefits, including free streaming perks, more hotspot data, and travel discounts. Plus, other great stuff like unlimited talk & text on America’s largest and fastest 5G network and no annual contract. ...
Verizon无限流量套餐Unlimited Plan,包含美国境内无限电话和短信,该套餐包含的通话、短信及流量还可以在墨西哥和加拿大境内使用。单人基础套餐每月$70,如果和家人朋友一起加入Plan的话,4人线每月只需$35,超过五个人会更划算,只需要$30。无限流量套餐还赠送免费的Apple music和Disney+流媒体服务。 美国运营商T-Mobile无限...
AT&T推出的Unlimited无限流量套餐有三个套餐等级,最基础的Unlimited Starter套餐$65/月起,4条线可降至$35/月/线,包含无限通话、短信和数据流量,在美国可向200+国家发送无限免费短信,在加拿大墨西哥境内也可以无限通话短信和网络(但可能只有2G网速),使用5G网络无须额外加钱,包含ActiveArmor安全服务可以拦截骚扰电话。 U...
***5G Home Internet: 5G Home plan at $35/mo. or 5G Home Plus plan at $45/mo. when combined with postpaid mobile unlimited plan that includes 5G Ultra Wideband. Auto Pay & paper-free billing req’d. Availability varies. Subject to credit approval. Price guarantee: 2 yrs for 5G Home,...
4.T-Mobile Unlimited Age 55+套餐-$27.5/月起 更少的线路、价格,享受同样优质的服务,最低消费$...
The T-Mobile ONE Prepaid Plan is cell phone plan meant for individuals or families and offered by T-Mobile. The plan offers customers unlimited talk, unlimited text, and unlimited 4G LTE data (which may be slowed after 30GB of usage per month). The T-Mob
AT&T推出的Unlimited无限流量套餐有三个套餐等级,最基础的Unlimited Starter套餐$65/月起,4条线可降至$35/月/线,包含无限通话、短信和数据流量,在美国可向200+国家发送无限免费短信,在加拿大墨西哥境内也可以无限通话短信和网络(但可能只有2G网速),使用5G网络无须额外加钱,包含ActiveArmor安全服务可以拦截骚扰电话。
T-Mobile Tmobile并没有和Apple签约,所以没有便宜的iPhone可以拿到,想用他家的套餐只能自己从Apple官网买无锁的iPhone然后到他家来上台,使用他家的Value Plan。刚来美国的时候可以用他家的Monthly Plan,30刀一个月,因为有短信有电话,涵盖基本用途。 Value Plan $39.99(500 Min) $0(Unlimited messages) $0(200MB...
If you need an unlimited data plan, then T-Mobile’s prepaid plans would be a better fit. T-Mobile charges a $35 device connection charge for postpaid service plans. Some of T-Mobile’s plans also require annual contracts. While enrolled in one of these rate plans, you may be eligible...