"系统思维"一词是为了反映这种关注点和该领域的起源,而"整体性思维"一词具有更广泛的内涵,超越了系统的分析方面。 "系统思维"(Systems Thinking)的概念中,"系统"(system)指的是一组相互关联和相互连接的元素,它们共同协作以实现共同的目的或功能。系统可以是任何实体、组织、过程或现象,它都具有组织、结构和相互关...
systems thinking–A school of thought that focuses on recognizing the interconnections between the parts of a system and synthesizing them into a unified view of the whole. 系统思维——一种专注于认识系统各部分之间相互联系并将其综合为整体统一视图的思想流派。 系统是一个概念,反映了人们对事物的一种...
Programs for the development of technical, managerial skills, and professional retraining. Discover the Programs Global Spirit, Local Presence. An international network in 13 countries to respond quickly to the needs of our customers, anytime, anywhere. ...
The scope of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems includes the fields of systems engineering. It includes issue formulation, analysis and modeling, decision making, and issue interpretation for any of the systems engineering lifecycle phases associated with the definition, de...
针对ZT Systems的未来规划,其制造业务将积极寻求与战略合作伙伴的接洽以完成收购,而设计与客户支持团队则将无缝融入AMD数据中心解决方案事业部,共同推动AMD AI战略的深入发展。AMD董事会主席兼首席执行官Lisa Su(苏姿丰)对此次收购表示高度肯定:“收购ZT Systems是我们长期AI战略中极为关键的一步,旨在为全球客户提供...
Since 1975 we have been specialising in the production of innovative solutions for grinding control systems and balancing machines. Choose Balance Systems!
Systems Engineering — Theory & Practice, founded in March 1981, is a comprehensive sci-tech journal issued at home and abroad. It is in the charge of the China Association for Science and Technology and sponsored by the Systems Engineering Society of China. The journal publishes significant rese...
We design and manufacture analysis systems in a professional and cost-oriented manner. To be able to calculate a suitable system for you, we need some process data, information on your operating conditions and operating environment in advance. ...
MACAO, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) -- The Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) has taken great advantage of the "one country, two systems" and made impressive achievements in its external relations by expanding its international influence in the past 20 years, Commissioner of the Chinese Foreign Minis...
英文:System of Systems(SoS)。中文:分散复杂系统,简称散系。其它译法:系统集系统、综合系统、系统的系统、复杂系统。 工业4.0在阐述全新而复杂的工业命题时,也自然地引入了一个复杂系统的概念。这需要我们用系统论的方法,来看待相互交织的各种工业要素。而System of Systems(SoS)正是一个理解超级复杂的系统的重要...