Chèvremont, M. : Le système histiocytaire ou réticulo-endothélial. Biol. Rev. 23 , 267–295 (1948).Chèvremont, M. 1948 Le système histiocytaire ou réticulo-endotheilial . Biol. Rev. Cambridge Phil. Soc. , 23 : 267 – 295 ....
the study of 38 children with paracoccidioidomycosis, aged up to 14, treated for 24 to 30 months with either a sulfonamide derivative or ketoconazole either alone or, after the use of amphotericin b. laboratory data at admission were analyzed and compared with those of sequential tests after up...
Our first position was a instrumental view. We study the change process according Lewin theory;: the change process is composed by three parts: unfreezing/ change / refreezing phase. We study the role of the SIS on the process change according its relation with the organisation, the dimensi...
The nucleus of the maturing secretory cells progressively diminishes in size, thus giving rise to a dense "pycnotic" body. Plastids of primary laticifers show an organization intermediate between that of plastids of neighbouring parenchyma cells and that of the Frey-Wyssling complexes of the ...
Expert systems are computer tools allowing the management of nonnumerical, qualitative knowledge. In that way, they depart from the numerical tools used for solving complex equation systems in computer assisted design. The integration of both types of tools is therefore desirable. Typically, the ...
For the Kaolin-lime mixtures, gehlenite is formed from 900° – 1000° instead of AC, then A3C5 is formed. The direction and the succession of these reactions does not depend on the concentration of the constituents in the mixtures. 2) Beyond 1300° the reactions tend towards equilibrium,...
coli K12 pleotropic mutants chl A and chl B do not have formic dehydrogenase activity, but if the supernatants of these same cells are added to particulate fractions of the wild type, the mixture produces H 2 from formate. These results agree with our earlier observations suggesting that these...
Stroot, PhilippeDépartement de Chimie physique de l'Université de Genève, 22, Bd. des PhilosophesBurger, UlrichDépartement de chimie organique de l'Université de Genève, 30, quai de l'Ecole‐de‐MédecineWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica Acta...
For the known species Ga 2 Cl 6 , GaCl 3 and GaCl selection was performed by comparing previous experimental values with our own Raman spectrometric determinations. For the unidentified species Ga 2 Cl 4 , Ga 2 Cl 2 and GaCl 2 frequency values were evaluated from theoretical literature ...
Quantitative evaluations of the given alternatives make this analysis a concrete example of how it is possible (and necessary) for industrial sectors to implement environmental management to settle company development and environmental sustainability.