use nohash_hasher::IntMap; use span::Edition; use syntax::{ ast::{self, HasName}, match_ast, AstNode, @@ -305,7 +306,8 @@ fn handle_control_flow_keywords( FilePosition { file_id, offset }: FilePosition, ) -> Option<ReferenceSearchResult> { let file = sema.parse_guess_edition...
@@ -996,12 +1012,14 @@ impl<C: Comments> VisitMut for ServerActions<C> { let action_id = generate_action_id(&self.config.hash_salt, &self.file_name, export_name); let span = Span::dummy_with_cmt(); self.comments.add_pure_comment(span.lo); if export_name == "default" { le...
Apache POI, CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK is causing, Right now I'm following a tutorial for writing Data Driven Tests in Java. My IDE is IntelliJ Community Edition and following is my code. package utility; import config.Constants; import executionEngine.DriverScript; import
Examples related to linkedhashmap • Casting LinkedHashMap to Complex Object • How to iterate through LinkedHashMap with lists as values • java collections - keyset() vs entrySet() in map • Java LinkedHashMap get first or last entry user...
toString()) println(immuableMap["xiao ming"]) // immuableMap["xiao ming"] = 20 // 不能更改 // immuableMap["xiao hong"] = 20 // 不能更改 val map = mutableMapOf<String,Int>("xiao ming" to 23,"xiao wang" to 26) // 或者 val map = hashMapOf<String,Int>("xiao ming" to...
AbstractCodeAdapter<MyModel>.addFooterEntities(HashMap<Int,List<MyModel>>myEntities) Here you must provide a map from code line numbers (started from 0) to list of line entities. It will be mapped by adapter to specified footer views. ...
value.get(&str)->Option<Value> value.as_str()->&strvalue.as_u64()->u64value.as_i64()-> i64 value.as_f64()-> f64 value.as_bool()-> bool value.as_vec()->Vec<Value> value.as_object()->HashMap<String,Value> value.is_number()->boolvalue.is_string()->boolvalue.is_bool...
Checklist: The mockito message in the stacktrace have useful information, but it didn't help The problematic code (if that's possible) is copied here; Note that some configuration are impossible to mock via Mockito Provide versions (mock...
Similar import-related edits are supported for other languages as well, for example Rust: use std::collections::HashMap; use good_company::infra; use good_company::aws::auth as aws_auth; use good_company::util::iter::dedupe; use good_company::shopping::cart::*; good_company = "good_...