What are some synonyms for segregate? synonyms for segregate disconnect. divide. insulate. isolate. sequester. dissociate. island. quarantine. What is the synonym and antonym of segregate? separationism, separatism, sequestration. Antonyms: desegregation, integration, integrating. segregation, sequestration...
2Poverty Poverty was often a result of racism, segregation and inequality. Some Americans rebelled against the conformity of the 1950s because they despised the economic disparity between whites and minorities. For example, poverty rates for African Americans in the 1950s were double those of white...
for example, found that ability tracking tends to increase social segregation among students. This can cause stereotypes to proliferate. Under the Individuals With Disabilities in Education Act, students with disabilities
Horace Kallen was an American philosopher in the early 1900s who advocated cultural pluralism. He asserted that encouraging groups of people from various backgrounds to participate in their cultural traditions, while also being active members of the larger culture in which they live, makes for a st...
Students who are tracked according to ability may be stigmatized, particularly if they have developmental delays or other disabilities. A 2010 study by the PCB Foundation, for example, found that ability tracking tends to increase social segregation among students. This can cause stereotypes to prolif...