群晖控制面板里申请的Let'sEncrypt证书默认会在到期前自动续期证书,只要满足以下两个条件: 1、域名指向的IP地址(支持IPv6)服务器可以被Let'sEncrypt服务器访问80和443端口。 2、证书到期前的20天内通过https域名访问群晖,则群晖自动尝试续期证书。 3、不确定条件:已安装Web Station套件(用来响应80端口) DSM版本7.1....
为您的网络存储器(NAS)配置 HTTPS 证书是保护数据传输的关键一步。Synology NAS 用户可以通过 Let's Encrypt 免费获得 SSL 证书,但是默认的方法需要开放网络端口,这可能不是每个人都愿意做的。幸运的是,有一种替代方案:使用 DNS-01 验证和 acme.sh 脚本。这篇文章将指导您如何使用 acme.sh 为您的 Synology NA...
Trying to addLet’s Encryptcertificate on Synology DS918+. The process fails with error: The operation failed. Please log in to DSM again and retry. There are no obvious reasons for the error. Port 80 is open, SynologyLog Centerdoesn’t have any clues. Resolution After connecting to the ...
I checked the /var/log/messages file, and that's what I found: synoscgi_SYNO.Core.Certificate.LetsEncrypt_1_create: certificate.cpp:957 syno-letsencrypt failed. 200 [new-cert: Unexpect httpcode. (new-cert)] synoscgi_SYNO.Core.Certificate.LetsEncrypt_1_create: certificate.cpp:1359 Failed ...
https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/blob/master/README.md when running acme.sh as daemon, I presume acme.sh would automatically renew the Let’s Encrypt certificate, am I correct? If so, why need the docker exec commend in the scheduled task? Would you know if the auto renewal ...
This happens if I try a certificate specifically for the subdomain or if I add it to the Subject Alternative Name field. My questions are: This appears to be a bug in DSM, at least in DSM 7.0. Can someone confirm? Is there a workaround? Is this a DSM or Lets Encrypt error messag...
ClickRenew certificate. It will take about 15-20 seconds and your Certificate will automatically be renewed. Note:Whenever your Let’s encrypt certificate approaches the end of the 3 month period, remember to do this simple operation that will take you less than a minute. When your let’s en...
Fetch a new cert from Let's Encrypt Import/Update the cert copy into public accessable location restart all docker container who need the new cert renew-ssl-certificates.sh #!/bin/sh # location of the new certs CERTDIR="/usr/syno/etc/certificate/_archive/74wc1X/" # public location for...
1.需要有一个域名,免费的也可以,免费域名申请 <传送门> 2.dns使用阿里云、Dnspod、Godaddy、AWS、...
This is a quick guide how to use acme.sh to issue Let’s Encrypt certificate for you custom domain, deploy it to Synology and then convert it to PKCS format and use it with your Plex server. Two scripts are provided to make it easy setup and can be combined to automa...