功能强大的入门级NAS:群晖 DS-215J Activer 84 392 To小白:星际蜗牛安装黑裙(群晖)制作家用nas的折腾日记 NO.1 pt老萌新 746 7.1K 这次我们来谈谈NAS:群晖DS1517+上手 林之乎 66 639 群晖DS1517&西数8TB金盘——勒索软件来袭?网盘关闭?那都不是事! 逸行风 106 827 群晖加硬盘 范俩仟Sam 94 514...
Drive外,也⽀援⾏動裝置的DS Cloud App,Clous Station Backup讓你多資料夾的同步備份,甚⾄連異地備援的Cloud Station ShareSync有整合進來,就讓筆者⼀⼀來說明。PC端的Cloud Station Drive同步⼯具 DropBox在網路上的已經討論相當多,但⼀般都是強調⽤於雲端的免費⽂件同步⼯具,也就是 當⽂...
More updates and comments are rolling in.Jason Nashwas able to test his DS3612XS which is the high end system Synology sells (close to $4k). Synology thought their higher end models were supported, but according to Jason Nash "Oh yeah. I'm not getting errors in logs but VMs are be...
I have a DS1511+ Unfortunately for me, i am a bit of a n00b when it comes to these configurations. i was wondering if you could please help me out, and give me step-by-step instructions on how to solve this issue? i think the key issue i am missing are the ports that need to...