其实你大可不必把事情搞得这么复杂,真正的聪明人总是把事情交给"专业人士"来完成;而对于中小企业的数据存储工作来说,synol-ogy DSl512+就是一个"专业人士".凭借基于3.2版Linux核心开发的DSM4.1操作系统,SynologyDSl512+让文件分享,数据备份,安全管理等各种企业应用变得如此简单.陈增林VIP微型计算机...
群晖DS1512+ ( synology DS1512+ ) 接下来您可以 群晖DS1512+ 指导价:¥7499 市场价:¥5249-¥5249 共6张图片 查看详细参数>>
Synology's NAS server is designed to protect your data, and can scale up to 15 drives when used with the Synology DX510, or five when used alone. The DS1512+ has USB 3.0 support and an expandable RAM module (up to 3CB). CPU passive cooling technology aims to increase reliability, and...
各位大神和版主, 请帮忙指点一下.我的群晖是DS1512+, 目前有如下报错, 这是不是说明硬盘1已经废了?
My DS1512+ is stock, just got it last Friday, its hooked up with gigabit compatible switch, and I use it from my gigabit connected desktop. I still get only 60MB/s max sustained write speeds :\ And yes, the initial parity check has been completed. ...
机型DS-1512+ DSM4.1-2647 找过http://synopkg.superzebulon.org/spkrepo/packages和http://packages...
We have a DS509+ NAS in our studio which we are really happy with. It has provided excellent service, however, one thing is that it is a bit slow. Would for example the DS1512 provide dramatically faster Network speeds? and what would that mean for transfer of Image data?
DS112、DS112j、DS112+、DS212、DS212j、DS212+、DS412+、DS712+、DS1512+、DS1812+、DS3612xs、RS212、RS812、RS812+、RS812RP+、RS2212+、RS2212RP+、RS3412RPxs、RS412xs、RS412RPxs; 11-系列: DS1511+、ds2411+, RS3411xs、RS3411RPxs、DS3611xs,扩展箱 DX1211、rx1211rp+, rs411 ...
打开Synology 移动应用程序,如 DS file。 输入QuickConnect ID,以及您的 DSM 帐户和密码。 单击登录。 使用DDNS 创建主机名 DDNS(动态域名系统)通过将主机名(如example123.synology.me)映射到其 IP 地址来简化通过网络与 Synology NAS 的连接。 按照以下步骤了解如何使用 DDNS 访问 DSM。 设置 DDNS 主机名 ...
DS1513+ – synology_cedarview_1513+ DS1813+ – synology_cedarview_1813+ DS2413+ – synology_cedarview_2413+ x12 Series DS412+ – synology_cedarview_412+ RS812(RP)+ – synology_cedarview_rs812+/synology_cedarview_rs812rp+ DS1512+ – synology_cedarview_1512+ ...