Symbolic Math Toolbox には、シンボリック数式の求解、プロット、および操作を行うための一連の関数が用意されています。MATLAB 関数、Simulink Function ブロック、および Simscape 方程式をシンボリック式から直接生成したり、MATLAB ライブエディターを使って作業内容を
Thank you so much John D'Errico. It helps me a lot in my working. You are completely great. Thanks ^^
If you have a vector valued symbolic function then you first need to invoke the symbolic function on specific values (which might be symbolic variables.) This will return a symbolic array. You can then arrayfun gradient over the members of the array, with UniformOutput false. Then splice ...
(a) Did you apply double() around the symbolic number that results from the subs() ?
The parametric equation of each ray is P(t)=t*d+P0 where d is a unit direction vector_ray and P0 is a point_ray. To lie on a circle of radius R centered at the origin, a point on the ray P(t) must satisfy the equation,
the second parameter of the Jacobian command is expected to be either a scalar or a vector of symbolic variables. Therefore it is not possible to directly take the Jacobian of a symbolic function w.r.t. another symbolic function. For example:
No, you can't. It would probably not make too much sense anyway: GPUs are good for highly parallel computations. Symbolic computations are therefore not really suitable for GPU computing.
If you use the form a = sym('a',n) or a = sym('a',[m.n]) to declare symbolic vectors or matrices, I seriously doubt that the order of multiplication with other such symbolic vectors or matrices will ever be reversed, so that is presumably what you have to do to handle your ...
First of all thanks for the answer. I tried yours solution but it will not return explicit solution and I can't plot. I'm really new at this.
However, you need to re-check your brackets. You are missing a ) in your original expression, and the position of that ) is important because of the leading unary minus: if you got the position of the ) wrong then you would get a false root.