sweet FA|sweet Fanny Adams (informal) 一点都没有,什么都没有(委婉说法,与 fuck all 同义)nothing at all. People saysweet FA to avoid sayingfuck all . sweet nothings 情话romantic words the sweet smell of success (informal) 成功的喜悦;成功的美妙滋味the pleasant feeling of being successful ...
sweetfood 甜食 牛津词典 I had a craving for somethingsweet. 我馋甜的东西。 牛津词典 This wine is toosweetfor me. 这种葡萄酒对我来说太甜了。 牛津词典 asweet-smelling rose 芬芳的玫瑰 牛津词典 The air wassweetwith incense. 空气中弥漫着燃香的香气。
sweet FA|sweet Fanny Adams (informal) 一点都没有,什么都没有(委婉说法,与 fuck all 同义)nothing at all. People saysweet FAto avoid sayingfuck all. sweet nothings 情话romantic words the sweet smell of success (informal) 成功的喜悦;成功的美妙滋味the pleasant feeling of being successful ...
The meaning of SWEET is being, inducing, or marked by the one of the five basic taste sensations that is usually pleasing to the taste and typically induced by sugars (as sucrose or glucose). How to use sweet in a sentence.
sweet - fcj/Alys/kris rey Lyrics by:Francis Pacleb/Alyssa Argel/Kris Rey Composed by:Francis Pacleb/Alyssa Argel/Kris Rey You got me hooked Yeah I'm craving something sweet Oh no I'm shook I just want u to believe That breath you took Yeah you got me on my knees yuh I'm on my ...
1. 糖(sugar):主要指食用糖,用于烘焙、烹饪、饮料等。2. 甜(sweet):形容词,描述食物或饮料味道甜美。3. 糖果(candy):特指由糖、果仁、果酱等制成的甜食,品种多样。三、侧重点不同 1. 糖(sugar):关注于糖的物质形态及使用。2. 甜(sweet):侧重于描述食物或饮料的味觉体验。3. ...
fcj、Alys、kris rey - sweet
sugar、sweet、candy的区别是:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 1.sugar 释义:n. 糖;食糖;2.sweet 释义:n. 糖果;乐趣;芳香;宝贝 3.candy 释义:n. 糖果,巧克力;冰糖(糖果包装的)二、用法不同 1.sugar 用法:用作不可数名词,常与about、after、 for等介词搭配...