解决办法: 1.登录到svn服务器 2.找到Repositories文件夹,这里面放着所有的项目代码。 3.找到对应的项目的文件夹,如下图: 4.更新repository/db/txn-current的值 revprops里面最后一个文件夹的数字是几 这个 txn_current的值就设置为几 ,如这个图上面是0 那值就设置为0,需要注意的是编辑时,必须在0后面加回车 ...
错误出现: svn: Can't find a temporary directory 解决办法:网上搜了搜说一般这种情况出现在服务器端,磁盘满了的情况; 我的svn服务器为Centos 6.5,于是我查看了一下硬盘使用情况, [root@localhost /]# df -hT Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root ext4 50G...
Can‘t read file : End of file found 文件:txn_current、currentsvn无法正常读取文件 原因:在commit文件时,svn服务器被强行关闭了,导致版本信息文件写入不成功,重启后读取信息就不正确了!公司断电的时候有人正在提交东西就会导致出现这个异常。解决办法:1.登录到svn服务器2.找到Repositories文件夹,这里面放着所有...
M /trunk/tests/tbuildopt.c M /trunk/tests/tcan_round.c M /trunk/tests/tcbrt.c M /trunk/tests/tcheck.c M /trunk/tests/tcmp.c M /trunk/tests/tcmp2.c M /trunk/tests/tcmp_d.c M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ld.c M /trunk/tests/tcmp_ui.c ...
I've found some more issues with the NuGet package (for example, BDB and Plink are not copied to the output directory), but for now this can be worked around in a consuming project. The PR isn't draft anymore 🙂 SharpSvn.dll loads without issue on ARM64! 👍 I'd like to run ...
In attempting to find a way to upgrade it least painfully,I have found that the Update feature of SSDScope does not help.By invoking it, it merely downloads the update ZIP file for you. Updatingcan only be accomplishedwith the SSD connected to an internal SATA port (not USB) and only ...
在河北出版传媒集团举办的“全民阅读·周末读书分享会”现场,拓印技艺太“圈粉”了! 关注 赞 评论 俄乌首场贴身肉搏战,俄军士兵一刀毙命!为何乌军士兵值得尊敬? 演员李明德发文吐槽《三人行》剧组男一号“耍大牌”:现场走戏迟到四十分钟,因为他流量大?粉丝多? 被问“当世界头号坏蛋是什么感觉?”普京6个字回怼 ...
print "Can not login in, please check the user and passwd in config.ini." 110 break 111 elif errCode == "404": 112 # HTTP Error 404: Not Found 113 print "Not Found: %s"%i 114 else: 115 print e 116 print "Failed to download %s"%i ...
Can‘t read file : End of file found 文件:txn_current、current svn无法正常读取文件 原因: 在commit文件时,svn服务器被强行关闭了,导致版本信息文件写入不成功,重启后读取信息就不正确了! 公司断电的时候有人正在提交东西就会导致出现这个异常。 解决办法:...