svn:E215004:Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'svn://' svn:E215004:Authentication failed 可能出现这种问题的原因: (1)配置文件中出现前缀空格符 (2)配置文件中配置参数异常 (3)后续再补充 针对第一种问题,解决办法如下:把需要配置的参数前缀空格都去除 [root@iZ23whn33jnZ ~]# c...
svn: E215004: Unable to connect to a repository at URL''svn: E215004: No more credentials or we tried too many times. Authentication failed 出现这个错误的时候是因为她第一次输错密码了,需要清除密码的缓存,命令如下: rm -rf ~/.subversion/auth 重...
svn: E215004: Unable to connect to a repository at URL''svn: E215004: No more credentials or we tried too many times. Authentication failed 出现这个错误的时候是因为她第一次输错密码了,需要清除密码的缓存,命令如下: ...
svn: E215004: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://svn/xxx' svn: E215004: No more credentials or we tried too many times. 让Jenkins显示地指定svn用户名和密码就可以了,比如: svn info --username yonghuming --password mima ...
E215004: No more credentials or we tried too many times.Copy full snippet 要修复这个,首先打开命令行窗口,并输入: cd [Engine Installation Directory]/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/svn/Mac/binCopy full snippet 这样能将当前目录改变到引擎附带的 SVN 执行文件目录下(并不是引擎的安...
E215004: No more credentials or we tried too many times. 要修复这个,首先打开命令行窗口,并输入: cd [Engine Installation Directory]/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/svn/Mac/bin 这样能将当前目录改变到引擎附带的 SVN 执行文件目录下(并不是引擎的安装目录)。
E215004: No more credentialsorwe tried too many times. 要修复这个,首先打开命令行窗口,并输入: cd [Engine Installation Directory]/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/svn/Mac/bin 这样能将当前目录改变到引擎附带的 SVN 执行文件目录下(并不是引擎的安装目录)。
#同步代码 svnsync sync #如果同步失败,出现以下报错 #svnsync: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL '' #svnsync: E215004: No more credentials or we tried too many times. #Authentication failed #先检查url是...