TheOmnichordis an unusual electronic instrument created by the Suzuki Musical Instrument Corporation in 1981. It features a small metal touch plate known as the ‘Sonic Strings’, and sound is created by holding down a chord button and sweeping one’s finger across the plate. It has experienced...
While you're unlikely to stumble upon one at your local music store, Suzuki's Omnichord has played a unique and innovative electronic musical instrument that has played an important role in the history of electronic music. Its ease of use, regardless of your playing ability or knowledge of ...
It has been found that learning a musical instrument actuallyincreases a person′s IQ over time. Different instruments and different types ofmusic have varying effect, with classical music and the string family comingout on top, potentially increasing your IQ by up to 12 points! When is a ...
It has been found that learning a musical instrument actuallyincreases a person′s IQ over time. Different instruments and different types ofmusic have varying effect, with classical music and the string family comingout on top, potentially increasing your IQ by up to 12 points! When is a ...