A' Sustainable Product Award winners will be able to obtain respectable honorific titles based on their creative merits and tenets, including but not limited to Master and Grand-Master designations. HONOURING DESIGNERSYour designer honorific title serves more than just to praise your excellent skills,...
A' Eco-Sustainable Design Award winners will be able to obtain respectable honorific titles based on their creative merits and tenets, including but not limited to Master and Grand-Master designations. HONOURING DESIGNERSYour designer honorific title serves more than just to praise your excellent ...
European Union’s (EU) transition to a decarbonized sustainable energy community is underway [1,2,3,4,5]. All EU member states have ratified the Paris Agreement to keep global warming “well below 2 degrees of Celsius above preindustrial level” [1]. In 2018, Estonia joined the Linz Hy...
a) and b) show the location of the park within the country and city; c) is the master plan (HASSELL, 2022). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) Spanning approximately 11.2 km2, this park ...
Due to rapid regional, national, and local legislation, regulatory hurdles, and management processes, the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) policies for palm oil certification did not measure the actual picture of environmental conservation, econ
The engineers – Master’s degree students studying at Wrocław University of Economics and working in industrial companies – participated in the survey. The article presents only the results that address the problem of employee development in the training process. 4. Results and discussion The ...
Strategic human resource management (S-HRM) involves the development of HR programs, practices and policies which are lined up with business strategy in order to achieve strategic objectives of a company. The early definitions of human resource management in the literature frequently mentioned work pra...
3.4. Business Case The project-related costs are categorized as capital costs (CAPEXs) and operation and maintenance costs (O&Ms). The O&M costs are further distinguished as fixed costs and variable costs. The fixed costs for this study include labor, interest on debt, insurance, equipment ...
Early studies in this area tended to focus on the reasons for a project's failure rather than its success. Construction is a business that is fraught with risk, and therefore the possibility of failure is usually present; thus, construction companies should consider factors that may have an ...
3.4. Business Case The project-related costs are categorized as capital costs (CAPEXs) and operation and maintenance costs (O&Ms). The O&M costs are further distinguished as fixed costs and variable costs. The fixed costs for this study include labor, interest on debt, insurance, equipment ...