IMPLANTAO DA HOTELARIA EM MATERNIDADE 100% SUS: EXPERINCIA EXITOSA EM PROMOO DE SEGURANA DO PACIENTE E BEM-ESTARdoi:10.54751/revistafoco.v17n3-132WOMEN'S hospitalsRATINGS of hospitalsSUSTAINABILITYPATIENT-centered careLABOR turnoverThe implementation of hospitality in...
Conclusion: Although the e-SUS AB is integrated in Rio de Janeiro, it is necessary to constantly monitor and develop interoperability protocols for the effectiveness of health information within the municipality.Ribeiro dos Santos, Laís Pimenta
it is a complex transplant because the graft lacks of vascular patches; there are various surgical techniques that we can choose depending on the case.doi:10.4321/S0004-06142005000600009Rafael Gutiérrez del PozoDavid Truán CachoAgustín Franco de Castro...
This work aimed to investigate the effects of therapeutic ultrasound on the muscle/bone tissue-swine interface (Sus scrofa domesticus) with metallic implant through thermography and histopathology. After placing the metallic implant, the piece was sutured, and placed in a controlled thermal bath at ...