18 days ago(2 months) Supreme l Supreme mark gonzales Sweats $105$22553% offSee Similar 27 days ago(over 3 years) Supreme m Supreme Mark Gonzales Sphinx Hoodie $119$16527% offSee Similar 2 months ago(over 1 year) Supreme xl Supreme Mark Gonzales Butterfly tee 🦋 $94$16342% offSee...
Supreme’s sweats for this season take a more toned-down approach compared to its jackets and accessories collections. While the sweat offerings do see colorful designs like the Toshio Saeki patch hoodie, chocolate-chip camouflage hoodie, and Lee Scratch Perry-led collage hoodie, its the simple b...
This strategy has been so successful that Supreme’s website got almost one billion pageviews in 2016 when a box logo hoodie dropped (data I found in a deleted tweet from Supreme’s web agency.)Obviously a lot of that is from bot traffic, but the bots are actually helping Supreme sell ...
Before long, CYC was producing almost all of the sweats Supreme was sending to market. Atkinson was struck by Jebbia's personal obsession with the sweatshirts. “He was maniacally passionate in terms of the quality, whether it's the color, or the fit, or the materials that we would ...
另外皮革背心、搭载 GORE-TEX 技术的皮革羽绒外套、传奇乐团 Nirvana 主唱 Kurt Cobain 肖像的针织毛衣与 T-Shirt、模糊造型的 Box Logo Hoodie 等单品也是今季的亮点之一。 包款部分可以留意出现与 Bottega Veneta 相似的编织包款,其余还有一般帆布与网料打造的随行包款,提供多样尺寸并注入红色、军绿、黑色、黑色...
Soon Supreme tried a cotton hoodie, realizing that if it was simply made a little better than what was out there, skaters would be willing to pay a little more for it. According to Jebbia, this sort of thinking isn’t unique to skate culture. “Gucci is saying, ‘Hey—just because ...
卫衣品类中,较为特别的是白色龟裂连帽外套和黑色砖块绒毛连帽外套。Supreme 2023 秋冬系列的 TEE 品类也相当值得关注,骷髅图案长袖和美式足球球衣都将是秒杀款式,还有最让人期待的 Box Logo Hoodie 和 NBA YoungBoy 图像短袖。 秋冬季节必备的毛帽系列一直都是 Supreme 的热销单品,本季在维持基本板型的前提下推陈...
首先能看到洛杉矶传奇涂鸦及纹身艺术家Mister Cartoon的原创艺术作品现身在皮夹克、工作衬衫、T-Shirt、Hoodie 上;漫画家 Frank Frazetta 的插画也融入到羊毛衬里 Trucker 夹克、牛仔裤、运动夹克、运动裤、足球服、短裤、T-Shirt;接着是绗缝工作夹克、短袖工作衬衫上的 AOI 原创艺术作品;HJR 打造的错视画连帽工...
紧接上周发布的预告之后,Supreme 全新 2021 秋冬系列终于正式登场,此番 HYPEBEAST 也率先为大家带来本季完整 Lookbook 及单品一览。系列中可以看到羽绒外套、连帽夹克、Hoodie、皮革衬衫、针织毛衣、连身工服等各项适合寒冷秋冬季节着用的单品登场,当中也包含了品牌与 Christopher Wool、Tadanori Yokoo、Mitchell & Ness...
本季包括与 Mitchell & Ness 合作的亮片夹克与缎面球衣裤、印上英国设计师 Sue Clowes 作品的多款服装、Cactus Plant Flea Market 操刀图案设计的 Varsity 夹克和 Hoodie、Umbro 夹克及球衣、Mark Gonzales 的艺术作品毛衣等。另外皮革背心、搭载 GORE-TEX 技术的皮革羽绒外套、传奇乐团 Nirvana 主唱 Kurt Cobain ...