Tatanga is an alien invader from an unknown planet. Although feared as an invader, outside of his spacecraft he is only a meek violet alien. During the events of Super Mario Land, Tatanga captures Daisy, the princess of Sarasaland, and orders his...
This installment has Mario venture through the four kingdoms of Sarasaland to rescue its ruler, Princess Daisy, from the evil alien Tatanga. This game is unique in that it features auto-scrolling shooting sections where Mario rides a submarine or a plane. Although Super Mario Land and its ...
Palutena's Guidance is Pit's Smash Taunt, performed on Palutena's Temple in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. When it is activated, a conversation is initiated about an opponent Pit is facing in the same fashion as Snake's...
The Chai Kingdom is a kingdom in Sarasaland and the fourth and final world in Super Mario Land. It is based on mythical feudal China, particularly the Qing dynasty, down to the music for the first two stages being based on popular depictions of...
Roketons, also known as Rocketons, are airborne enemies that are Tatanga's personal guards in his invasion of Sarasaland during the events of Super Mario Land. The only visible part of a Roketon's body is its head. Roketons fly planes; these...
Sarasaland is the setting for Super Mario Land. The realm is a country ruled by Princess Daisy, and consists of four separate administrative wards referred to as kingdoms, which could also characterize Sarasaland as an empire. Daisy is the only...
Princess Daisy, or casually Daisy, is the princess of Sarasaland and a recurring character in the Super Mario franchise. She is an energetic and enthusiastic princess who can be slightly tomboyish. Mario once saved her and her kingdom from the rule of Tatanga in 1989's Super Mario Land on...
Super Mario-kun Volume 3 is the third volume of the manga series, continuing the Super Mario World story arc that began in the first volume, but some chapters also include enemies from Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario Land. In this part, Mario,...
Biokinton –Super Mario Land Birdo –Super Mario Bros. 2 Black Bowser –Paper Mario: Color Splash Black Lava Bubble Black Jewel –Wario World Black Shy Guy –Paper Mario: Color Splash The Blade –Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Bleak –Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Dou...
Kumos appear in the Super Mario Land manga. After the Tokotoko and Batadons fail in stopping Mario, Tatanga gives more trust to the spider clan in doing a better job, much to Hiyoihoi's anger. The Kumos prepare a trap for Mario by creating a web, which Sue pushes him into. Before...