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Sunday Riley Good Genes好基因精华 30ml 这款精华超多美妆博主推荐,痘痘肌,闭口粉刺肌肤必备产品。换季皮肤不稳定时,可能效果立竿见影。这款精华既可以放在护肤步骤用,也可以厚敷当面膜。质地是很稀薄乳液质地,发炎红肿的肌肤都会得到一定程度修复,还可以修复毛孔,不会留下痘印 不过它的味道,是浓浓的乳酸味,确实...
GOOD GENES 面部精油液 Sunday Riley brand:Sunday Riley $85 - $122 请选择一个尺码 尺码: 尺码:50ml 尺码:30ml +添加至我的心愿单 估计送达日期(美国境内): 三月 24 - 三月 31 税前订单满 50 美元可免国际运费 / 如果未开封且未使用,则符合退货资格 ...
Sunday Riley Good Genes Treatment 30ml 添加 Sunday Riley “优良基因”精华乳液,30ml Net-a-Porter APAC 751.04元 104.75美元 刚刚 Sunday Riley Good Genes: Beauty 美国亚马逊 752.83元 105.00美元 刚刚 Sunday Riley Good Genes好基因精华 30ml Skinstore 752.83元 105.00美元 1972天前...
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When my Good Genes arrived, I thought my bottle was half empty. Thinking I must be wrong, I started using it. Loved what it did for my skin but the bottle was empty very quickly. Would not want to buy again unless i could be sure I would get a full bottle. ...
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