Code classSolution{public:boolsolver(vector<vector<char>>&board,vector<int>&rows,vector<int>&cols,vector<int>&subs,inti,intj){if(i==9)returntrue;if(j==9)returnsolver(board,rows,cols,subs,i+1,0);if(board[i][j]!='.')returnsolver(board,rows,cols,subs,i,j+1);for(intx=1;x<=9...
bool check(vector<vector<char>> &vec, int line, int col, char value) //检查这个值能不能被放入 { for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (vec[line][i] == value || vec[i][col] == value) { return false; } } int x = line / 3 * 3, y = col / 3 * 3; for (int ...
判断当前坐标为:(row,col)的坐标点的行,列,方块区内是否满足条件的函数: publicbooleanisValid(charboard[][],introw,intcol,charc) {for(inti = 0; i < 9; i++) {if(board[i][col] != '.' && board[i][col] ==c)returnfalse;//检查行if(board[row][i] != '.' && board[row][i] ...
return self.solveSudokuRec(board,nextRow,nextCol) for c in range(1,10): if self.canPut(board,str(c),row,col): board[row][col] = str(c) if self.solveSudokuRec(board,nextRow,nextCol): return True board[row][col] = '.' return False def canPut(self, board, char, row, col):...
leetcode#37. Sudoku Solver 编写一个程序,通过已填充的空格来解决数独问题。 一个数独的解法需遵循如下规则: 数字1-9 在每一行只能出现一次。 数字1-9 在每一列只能出现一次。 数字1-9 在每一个以粗实线分隔的 3×3 宫内只能出现一次。 空白格用 ‘.’ 表示。
sudoku_solver.c 超级困难的数独收藏.txt README MIT license 专业数独程序 iOS 通过先进的随机数算法在iPhone上也能快速生成SE难度高达8.3的数独 using advanced multithreading random algorithm ...
This project uses some APIs and source code from repoEmguCV. Therefore, the project uses a standalone open-source license. For more information please visit the fileLICENSEin that project in source code. The others All the other projects useMIT license, which means you should mention the copyr...
写代码解决数独问题。 A sudoku solution must satisfyall of the following rules: 数独规则如下: Each of the digits1-9must occur exactly once in each row. 1-9每行必须出现且只能出现一次 Each of the digits1-9must occur exactly once in each column. ...
Each of the the digits1-9must occur exactly once in each of the 93x3sub-boxes of the grid. Empty cells are indicated by the character'.'. 求解 解答 Note: The given board contain only digits1-9and the character'.'. You may assume that the given Sudoku puzzle will have a single uniq...
原题链接: 解题思路: 36 Valid Sudoku 本题题意即确认数独题目现有项中,每一行、每一列、每一个小的九宫格都没有出现重复数字,否则判定为无效。 最简单的方法就是挨个遍历并做三种判断 代码: 另外也可以采取索引的方...