sudo: apt-get: command not found 错误信息解析 错误信息含义: 当你在Mac终端中输入 sudo apt-get 命令时,系统返回 sudo: apt-get: command not found 错误信息,这意味着 apt-get 命令在你的Mac系统中未找到。这通常是因为 apt-get 是基于Debian(如Ubuntu)系统的包管理器,而Mac OS X(或现在的macOS)并...
apt-get is intended for installing packages on Linux systems. Homebrew is the equivalent for the Mac. It looks like Mac installs are still not officially supported; but some people have been successful in installing on their Macs. I checked to see what I could find regarding Mac installs, ...
sudo: apt-get: command not found apt-get是debian(Ubuntu)才有的包管理器,而在Apple 的OS X系统中是没有的。 brew(全称Homebrew)是Mac OSX上的软件包管理工具,能在Mac中方便的安装软件或者卸载软件。brew的这个网站(上有对其的一个简单的介绍。 Homebrew安装命令如下: 1 ruby -e"$(curl...
While there are countless things that can cause any given software or hardware problem, in most cases, there are only three actions that can lead to a ‘sudo: apt-get: command not found’ message: upgrading your Mac’s operating system (OS), installing incompatible software on your machine,...
python错误信息是:sudo:apt-get:commandnotfound 1、问题描述 错误信息是:sudo :apt-get:command not found 2、问题原因及解决 在centos下⽤yum install xxx yum和apt-get的区别 ⼀般来说著名的linux系统基本上分两⼤类:1.RedHat系列:Redhat、Centos、Fedora等 2.Debian系列:Debian、Ubuntu等 RedHat ...
是输入错误 ,应该是apt-get
As per the brew doctor, my mac does have fink and macports installed as well. I will try and find some resources for them and try my luck using them. Thanks again for your help guys. 🙂 Reply of 1 sudo apt-get command not found....
linux中: 执行sudo apt-get install openssh-server 报错 使用的是CentOS, 下载的时候 使用yum不要用apt-get sudo yum install openssh-server 可以解决 ma成:
51CTO博客已为您找到关于sudo: apt-get: command not found的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及sudo: apt-get: command not found问答内容。更多sudo: apt-get: command not found相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成
错误信息是:sudo :apt-get:command not found 2、问题原因及解决 在centos下用yum install xxx yum和apt-get的区别 一般来说著名的linux系统基本上分两大类: 1.RedHat系列:Redhat、Centos、Fedora等 2.Debian系列:Debian、Ubuntu等 RedHat 系列 1 常见的安装包格式 rpm包,安装rpm包的命令是“rpm -参数” ...