354"open_files_in_new_window":true, 355 356// Set to true to close windows as soon as the last file is closed, unless 357// there's a folder open within the window. This is always enabled on OS X, 358// changing it here won't modify the behavior. 359// 针对OS X 360"close_...
1、从git上下载代码,讲拿到的Sublime-Erlang复制到Sublime Text的Packages目录下,改名并替换掉原有的Erlang文件夹。 2、补齐功能有优化,定义跳转有优化 3、个人感觉用处不大 Git无法下载的附插件包:https://files.cnblogs.com/files/luobei/Sublime-Erlang.rar https://github.com/ostinelli/SublimErl:不支持windows...