Find ways to spot a student loan scam Learn More Don't Get Scammed! Document preparation and debt relief companies may charge fees to consolidate loans, complete paperwork, lower your payment and provide loan forgiveness. Federal student loan servicers are available to assist you for FREE. Arm ...
Americans with student loan debt need to begin repaying their loans again after a hiatus of more than three years. Oct 1, 2023 Student loan forgiveness scams are surging: "Full discharge " of debt Scammers are seizing on "chaos and confusion" ahead of the resumption of student loan re...
Want to avoid student loan forgiveness scams? Here are some things to know: Scammers often lie and say they’re affiliated with the Department of Education.Make sure you’re working with afederal student loan servicerthat’s listed on the Department of Education’s website. (And use the co...
"Don’t trust anyone who contacts you promising debt relief or loan forgiveness, even if they say they're affiliated with the Department of Education," the FTC continued. "Scammers try to look real, with official-looking names, seals, and logos. They promise special access to repayment plans...
If you suspect a scam or need assistance, contact the Illinois Attorney General’s Student Loan Helpline at 1-800-455-2456, orCLICK HEREto connect to the AG's complaint website. LOOK: How Many of These 1980s Objects Do You Remember?
Know the warning signs when it comes to student loan debt relief companies, such as upfront fees for repayment assistance. By Meghan Lustig | June 24, 2020, at 10:53 a.m. Save More How to Avoid Student Loan Scams More Getty Images Be aware of scammers who are out to take your mon...
45 states and the District of Columbia all offer state-based student loan repayment assistance programs. These programs are designed to help states staff teachers in areas or programs where they have shortages. We have a complete list of state-based student loan forgiveness programs here: Student...
Document Preparation and Application Assistance– The fine print on both letters I received made it clear that the only thing they were actually offering was to help submit applications or process paperwork. If I contacted them, they’d likely compare their service to hiring an accountant for tax...
The article focuses on keeping student loan interest rates low in the U.S. It states that by keeping interest rates low, the government is contributing to increase in tuition fees. It mentions that one should not forget that today'...
This particular scam email is especially troubling because it sounds similar to an existing government program. Last October, the Department of Education announced a Limited Waiver on Public Service Loan Forgiveness. One of the Covid-19 relief bills authorized this temporary program, but it expires ...