💥 M1128移动火炮系统(MGS):这是史赛克装甲战车系列的八轮装甲车,安装了一门105毫米坦克炮,基于通用动力陆地系统公司为美国陆军制造的加拿大LAV III轻型装甲车。💣 M1129迫击炮载具:亦被称为迫击炮载具B型(Mortar Carrier Vehicle version B, MCV-B),是M1126 ICV的衍生型号;M1126 ICV本身则衍生自食人鱼装甲车。
Stryker is available in ten variants, including an infantry carrier vehicle, a commander’s vehicle, a medical evacuation vehicle, a fire support vehicle, an engineer squad vehicle, an anti-tank guided missile carrier, a mortar carrier, a reconnaissance vehicle, a mobile gun system and nuclear, ...
The Mortar Carrier Vehicle (Stryker)The current Army plan is to equip seven Stryker Brigade Combat Teams (SBCT) with the Mortar...Cline, KevinRetherford, MilesInfantry
The Stryker has two basic variants - the Infantry Carrier Vehicle (ICV) and the Mobile Gun System (MGS). The ICV has eight additional configurations: Mortar Carrier (MC), Reconnaissance Vehicle (RV), Commander's Vehicle (CV), Fire Support Vehicle (FSV), Medical Evacuation Vehicle (MEV), ...
A mobile Mortar Carrier (MC) vehicle that is armed with a 40 mm AGL-fitted CROWS turret[A2CfgV 10] and 120 mm smoothbore mortar[A2CfgV 11] An unarmed Medical Evacuation Vehicle (MEV) variant that can provide medical support to wounded personnel[A2CfgV 13] The Commander Vehicle (CV) va...
The Stryker comprises two variants - the Infantry Carrier Vehicle (ICV) and the Mobile Gun System (MGS). The ICV has eight additional configurations: Mortar Carrier (MC), Reconnaissance Vehicle (RV), Commanders Vehicle (CV), Fire Support Vehicle (FSV), Medical Evacuation Vehicle (MEV), ...
M1129B Stryker Mortar Carrier B (MC-B) M1130 Stryker Command Vehicle (CV) M1131 Stryker Fire Support Vehicle (FSV) M1132 Stryker Engineer Squad Vehicle (ESV) M1132 Stryker Command Vehicle (CV) M1133 Stryker Medical Evacuation Vehicle (MEV) M1134 Stryker Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) M...
M-1129 Stryker Mortar Carrier (MC).The MC provides accurate, lethal, high angle fire to support operations in complex terrain and urban environments. The MC accommodates a 120 mm mortar system that fires a full family of mortar ammunition while mounted, including high explosive (HE), illuminati...
The Stryker family of vehicles is centered on the ICV which has eight configurations: Anti Tank Guided Missile Vehicle (ATGM); Reconnaissance Vehicle (RV); Commander's Vehicle (CV); Mortar Carrier (MC); Engineer Support Vehicle (ESV); Fire Support Vehicle (FSV); Nuclear, Biological, and ...