Count Dooku, once a Jedi and later a Sith Lord, showcases his formidable combat skills and command of the dark side, making him a complex and powerful figure. Qui-Gon Jinn, though often overlooked, is renowned for his deep connection to the Force and his role in discovering Anakin Sky...
No slouch in the power department himself, the Third Hokage's students would grow up to be some of the most powerful ninja in Konoha history. Tsunade invented medical ninjutsu and became a master of both chakra control and hand-to-hand combat. Jiraiya used senjutsu to enhance all forms of ...
Sakazuki, who became known as Akainu, was one of the three admirals in the Navy and the most powerful of them. He only showed his full potential during the War of the Best, in addition to defeating several pirates, he left a serious wound on Whitebeard and, of course, he was responsi...
is going to be a deadly choice. According to Doma, even Akaza stands no chance in front of him because of his superior fighting skills. He uses Tessenjutsu in direct combat and double-wields war fans to slash his opponents. When compared to the Hashiras, he is faster, more powerful, a...
and hisarmament haki skills are a lot better too. Doflamingo hardened his body during his battle with Luffy, reduced all incoming damage, and even sent Luffy flying afterward. He is currently a prisoner, but let’s hope he gets out to treat us with his excellent powers in the future. He...
“Strongest Men in History Hoisted Cattle and Crushed Stones to Show Their Might.”Erin Blakemore,, undated. “Louis Cyr and Charles Sampson: Archetypes of Vaudevillian Strongmen.”Josh Buck,Iron Game History, December 1998. “Combat Sports in the Ancient World: Competition, Violence,...
“How rude! I would never resort to underhanded tricks like stealing!” “You’re a Thief, aren’t you!?” Leia was not really self-conscious about her occupation. Or more precisely, she had too much pride. Her thieving skills were unparalleled, but she almost never put them...
Amulet: with +x% to Damage over Time Multiplier or +1 to Level of all Chaos Skill Gems Rings: Unveil Elreon's Veiled Rings for Non-Channeling Skills have -(x-x) to Total Mana Cost Boots: Unveil Boots for the 20% increased Movement Speed Cannot be Chilled Boot modif...
Achievements: Briefly Survived Combat With Sasuke Uchiha, Overpowered Sakura Uchiha Powers: Expert Medical Skills, Mangekyou Sharingan, Multiple Sharingans RELATED:The 10 Most Unique Abilities In Naruto, Ranked Shin put up one heck of a fight, even against two of the greatest shinobi to have ever...
Logia Devil Fruits are the rarest and often considered the most powerful type. Logia users are able to take the form of a particular element of nature and even produce it at will. Haki is often needed to combat such foes because Logia bodies are normally invulnerable to normal attacks. ...