STL 中的 std::string大小写转换 lowercase、uppercase、Trim、replace、split #defineADD_VECTOR_END(v,i) (v).push_back((i))stringlowerCase(string value){returnchangeCase(value,true);}stringupperCase(string value){returnchangeCase(value,false);}voidlTrim(string&value){string::size_type i=0;for...
; for (char& c : str) { if (std::isupper(c)) { // 检查字符是否为大写字母 c = std::tolower(c); // 转换为小写字母 } } std::cout << "转换后的字符串: " << str << std::endl; return 0; } 方法二:使用STL的transform算法 STL(Standard Template ...
一般来说,在处理字符串的时候通常会用到如下一些函数/方法:length、substring、find、charAt、toLowerCase、toUpperCase、trim、equalsIgnoreCase、startsWith、endsWith、parseInt、toString、split等。 如果使用STL中的std::string,它已经提供了如下一些比较有用的方法: length(),取得字符串的长度。 substr(),从字符串中...
convert string lowercase 3. Using std::transform functionAnother good alternative is to use the STL algorithm std::transform, which applies an operation to elements of the specified range and stores the result in another range, which begins at the specified output iterator. The operation may be ...
hello, what i'm wanting to do is take a month input(january february, etc) turn it to a 3 char string(jan, feb, mar) which i have, and then turn them to all lowercase, so as i don't haev to have 8 if statements(Jan, JAn, JaN, JAN, jAN, jaN, jAn, jan) to
std::string data = "Abc"; std::transform(data.begin(), data.end(), data.begin(), ::to...
Re: STL string - converting to low case Try this: struct lowercase_func { void operator()(std: :string::value_ type& v) { v = tolower(v); } }; std::string make_lowercase( std::string s) { for_each(s.begi n(), s.end(), lowercase_func( )); ...
地球人都知道 C++ 的 string 没有 toupper ,好在这不是个大问题,因为我们有 STL 算法: string s("heLLo"); transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::toupper); cout << s << endl; transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower); ...
引用传递其实还是值传递,只是传入的值是个地址,并且该地址指向了一段保存了对象数据的内存。这点和C中的引用传递类似。 特别说一下String String是JS的内置对象,所以根据上文所说,它是引用传递。那么下面我请你写一个函数,将传入的String修改,给它两头加上引号。所以很明显,下面这样的函数就是错误的了 ...
* basic string processing. By extending the STL's string, we can provide a drop-in replacement for STL * strings with the greater functionality of higher-level languages. * * The primary goal of this library is to make the STL string class more usable to programmers that ...