Foreign exchange spot transactions(other than USD/CAD transactions) settle date two days after the trade date. This is commonly referred to as T+2.5 Ownership is transferred without complication in most cases. After all, buyers and sellers are eager to satisfy their legal obligations and finalize ...
Stock Exchange for publishing the half-year report prepared in accordance with PRC GAAP Website of Hong Kong Stock Exchange for publishing the half-year report prepared in accordance with IFRS Place where copies of this half-year report are kept Listing stock exchanges, stock abbreviations and ...
Six types of intraday trading data were collected as stock characteristics: [26] the opening price, the closing price, high price, low price, volume, and turnover rate, because they are typical, common, and easily accessible, and any stock exchange will provide these six types of data. The...
The ERPT denotes the transmission of the movements in exchange rates to import prices and domestic prices. Subsequently, this study mainly uses the two-stage selection procedure of Sarma et al. (2003) to select a suitable model to manage the risk of the institution. The first stage is to ...