Stock character definition: a character in literature, theater, or film of a type quickly recognized and accepted by the reader or viewer and requiring no development by the writer.. See examples of STOCK CHARACTER used in a sentence.
Having alluded to the subject of reversion, I may here refer to a statement often made by naturalists--namely, that our domestic varieties, when run wild, gradually but certainly revert in character to their aboriginal stocks. Hence it has been argued that no deductions can be drawn from dom...
詞Word 类属Thesaurus 例句Examples 筆順Strokes 字Character 字源Etymology Settings stock up stɑːk əp Main English Definition (动) As a verb Amass so as to keep for future use or sale or for a particular occasion or use. Hyphenationstock up ...
Stock Character Definition, List & Examples from Chapter 8 / Lesson 7 91K Read the stock character definition and learn what a stock character is. Learn to differentiate between stock, static, and flat characters in movies and tv shows. See stock character examples. Related...
2. To resemble in appearance, temperament, or character. 3. To pursue hastily: The store owner took after the thief. take apart 1. To divide into parts; disassemble or dismantle. 2. To dissect or analyze (a theory, for example), usually in an effort to discover hidden or innate flaws...
(名) As a noun The maximum number of shares authorized under the terms of a corporation's articles of incorporation. Chinese synonyms:认可股数,额定股数,认可股份,股本总额,认可的股数 Synonyms:authorized shares,capital stock New Search 中文» EnglishPinyin » 中文English » 中文字 » Char....
Shakespeare’s plays are timeless prides of British literature. However, I argue that some characters tend to turn up again and again in his plays, they all have different names and purposes, but deep down, they can all be sorted into various character stereotypes. This article is my attempt...
We will all by definition end up with thatstock characterof our nightmares, “the wrong person.” Todos acabaremos, por definición, con esepersonajerecurrente de nuestras pesadillas: «la persona equivocada». Literature and why do they so often share the samestock charactersand plots?
The world’s Holy Books—the Old and New Testaments, the Koran, religious literature from the Middle Ages to this day—echo this voice of rebellion, combining contempt for the corrupt urban life, suspicion of the merchant, and often, intense misogyny. One need only think of the image of Ba...
The sentiments of tweets are calculated using a state-of-the-art natural language processing method denoted by Deep-MLSA (Deriu et al., 2016, Deriu et al., 2017), which can cope with both the short and the informal character of social media tweets. Deep-MLSA is a non-linear classifier...