For over a decade, we have provided the key tools and resources you need to address challenges in stem cell research. Now we’ve harnessed these powerful innovations into a complete system to support every step of your stem cell research workflow. Our complete portfolio of stem cell...
For over a decade, we have provided the key tools and resources you need to address challenges in stem cell research. Now we’ve harnessed these powerful innovations into a complete system to support every step of your stem cell research workflow. Our complete portfolio of stem cell research ...
由于SLE发病机制涉及T细胞、B细胞、巨噬细胞和树突状细胞(DC)等免疫细胞的异常激活与失衡,利用MSC及其来源EVs治疗狼疮性肾炎可能是一种潜在的安全有效的治疗方法。近日,研究人员在Stem Cell Research & Therapy上发表研究成果,探讨人脐带...
Stem-cell research is the area of research that studies the properties of stem cells and their potential use in medicine. As stem cells are the source of all tissues, understanding their properties helps in our understanding of the healthy and diseased body's development and homeostasis. ...
Stem cell research has shown great potential in providing scientists with new insights into human biology. It covers embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells and pluripotent stem cells. Researchers in stem cell biology work to understand the mechanisms behind stem cell differentiation, which can lead ...
Stem Cell Research影响因子的计算方法 Stem Cell Research的影响因子计算方法遵循通用的期刊影响因子计算规则。即,该期刊前两年发表的论文在当年被引用的总次数除以这两年发表论文的总数。这一指标反映了期刊在特定领域内的学术影响力和论文质量。值得注意的是,影响因子的计算是一...
近日,研究人员在Stem Cell Research & Therapy上发表研究成果,揭示了hAMSC通过分泌IGFBP-3、DKK-3以及DKK-1蛋白阻断Wnt/β-catenin信号通路抑制肝星状细胞激活从而减轻肝纤维化程度。 研究人员构建了四氯化碳诱导的肝纤维化小鼠模型来评估h...
今天和大家聊一本国人友好,且影响因子一路稳健上涨的5分生物医学SCI杂志Stem Cell Research & Therapy。 先看撤稿统计: 近5年来,Stem Cell Research & Therapy杂志共撤稿4篇,包括2篇国人学者的文章,署名单位有大连医科大学、苏州大学等,撤稿原因主要有图像重复、细胞系污染、数据错误等。
Stem Cell Researchnew field we call regenerative medicine in which many currently incurable diseases are treatedwith cells cells were unable to self-renew, which resulted in long-term and irreversible impairmentof is exciting because it maps a viable way to develop targeted treatment for colonT ...
Stem Cell Research & Therapy是干细胞疗法转化研究的主要论坛。作为一份国际性同行评审期刊,它发表高质量的开放存取研究文章,重点关注干细胞疗法和再生疗法的基础、转化和临床研究,包括动物模型和临床试验。该杂志还提供综述、观点、评论、报告和方法。 ISSN1757-6512 ...