has_government = "gov_despotic_empire" has_civic = "civic_imperial_cult" } factor = 0 NOR = { # 如果不是 唯心主义 或者 极端唯心主义 就设置因子为0, 即只有唯心思潮才会拥有基础权重 has_ethic = "ethic_spiritualist" has_ethic = "ethic_fanatic_spiritualist" }科学...
Galaxy view selected empire government type no longer overlaps the founder species ethicsEmpire view now goes all the way to the left when hidingTrust status in diplomacy view now has a background and is aligned like the other elementsOpen and Close Borders diplomatic action is now shown even ...
A: The genocidal empire types, dormant fallen empires, and primitives have their own unique Diplomatic Stances that they cannot change. These are largely for flavor purposes. Here's the Fanatic Purifier stance. Awakened empires use the standard set of Diplomatic Stances, but almost always choose t...
government={ #政府 type="gov_science_directorate" #政府类型,由权利制度及国家理念确定,规则文件common\governments\00_governments.txt authority="auth_oligarchic" #权利制度,规则文件common\governments\authorities\00_authorities.txt civics={ #国家理念,规则文件common\governments\civics\00_civics.txt "civic_te...
Governance Empire • Origin • Government • Civics • Council • Agendas • Policies • Edicts • Factions • Traditions • Ascension perks • Situations Economy Resources • Planetary management • Districts • Jobs • Designation • Trade • Megastructures Buildings Plane...
* 新增本地化命令 GetGovernmentName。 * Added is_leader_age trigger * 新增触发器 is_leader_age。 * Added any_pop_faction scope change * 新增域变换 any_pop_faction。 * Added has_envoy_cooldown = yes/no * 新增 has_envoy_cooldown = yes/no。
* Reforming government now costs Unity. The cost is based on Empire Size.* 改革政府现在需要凝聚力。消耗量基于帝国规模。* Renamed Administrator jobs to Politicians. Assigned Bureaucrats, Priests and other related jobs to the new Administrator economic category.* 将管理者岗位重新命名为政治家。把官员...
NEW COUNCIL MECHANICS Assign leaders to vital positions and set agendas to steer your empire as you see fit. In Galactic Paragons, find dozens of unique council roles based on your civics and government types, and unlock additional positions as your empire evolves!
Features of Galactic Paragons include*: NEW COUNCIL MECHANICS Assign leaders to vital positions and set agendas to steer your empire as you see fit. In Galactic Paragons, find dozens of unique council roles based on your civics and government types, and unlock additional positions as your empire...
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