点击进入Item:Civics/civic memorialist/doc页面来编辑这个攻略。 修改完毕后,请刷新上面的文本。
--- 前置条件: 死灵类物种包DLC 基础要求: 权力制度:机械智能 条件: 铁心灭绝者国民理念同化斗士国民理念 随机权重: 基础= 5 AI权重: 基础= 5 暂无攻略。 这个攻略不够好?点击进入 Item:Civics/civic machine memorialist/doc 页面来编辑这个攻略。修改完毕后,请刷新上面的文本。分类: 国家理念...
Memorialist is a new civic we have planned to bring you in a future release. Unlike many current civics, it will be available to regular, machine, and hive empires. (They say that Megacorps try to resist remembering anything unless it directly impacts the next Quarterly Report.) 纪念者Memo...
唯物主义:effect shift_ethic = ethic_materialist 极端唯心主义:effect shift_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist 唯心主义:effect shift_ethic = ethic_spiritualist 代码: effect = { change_government = { authority = #此处写你要改的政体 civics = { civic = civic_#此处写你要改的国策 civic = civic_...
For Necroids we wanted to add some newgameplaythat would be available to many more different types of empires and species. Unlike Lithoids, these Civics and Origins will not require you to use a Necroid portrait. For Lithoids we felt like it made sense, but in this case we didn't want ...
国家理念(Civics)是群星中一个文明的全局特性,在游戏开始时,玩家可以根据自己的权力体制选择2个国策,游戏开始后,在完成了科技星系管理后解锁第3个国家理念槽 地貌改造 地貌改造(Terraforming)是指对星球地表进行改造,使其气候更适宜帝国居民居住。地貌改造还可以把星球地表全部障碍物移除。地貌改造需要社会学研究基础,并...
Memorialist is a new civic we have planned to bring you in a future release. Unlike many current civics, it will be available to regular, machine, and hive empires. (They say that Megacorps try to resist remembering anything unless it directly impacts the next Quarterly Report.) 来自...
ethic_materialistethic_militaristethic_pacifistethic_spiritualistethic_xenophileethic_xenophobeeffect change_government = randomeffect change_government = { civics = random }### modify tradition# colossusevent apoc.100### building apactivate_ascension_perk ap_enigmatic_engineeringactivate_ascension_perk ap_...
Civics can be changed every 20 years by reforming the government spending 10 unity per empire size. If at any point a civic's requirements are no longer met due to a change in empire ethics or authority, it becomes inactive and provides no bonus until it's replaced or its requirements ...
Ethics and Civics Alternative https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1790861374 Expanded Stellaris Traditions https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1847868014 Extra Buildings - All Submods https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1638423199 Extra Bu...