Certain civics, such as Distinguished Admiralty and Nationalistic Zeal, increase the weight of government types associated with their ethic. 目录 1 Standard civics 1.1 Permanent standard civics 2 Corporate civics 2.1 Permanent corporate civics 3 Hive Mind civics 3.1 Permanent hive mind civics 4 ...
条件: 不能具备以下条件 拥有能工巧匠 随机权重: base3 ---该项目已经被移除游戏或未被更新最后更新的版本为:3.4.3(当前最新版本:3.14.1592) 暂无攻略。 这个攻略不够好?点击进入 Item:Civics/civic corporate crafters/doc 页面来编辑这个攻略。修改完毕后,请刷新上面的文本。分类: 国家理念...
条件: 是企业政府不是格式塔意识 随机权重: base5 ---该项目已经被移除游戏或未被更新最后更新的版本为:3.5.3(当前最新版本:3.14.1592) 暂无攻略。 这个攻略不够好?点击进入 Item:Civics/civic corporate scavengers/doc 页面来编辑这个攻略。修改完毕后,请刷新上面的文本。分类: 国家理念...
The Corporate authority comes with its own special set of civics and a number of advantages and drawbacks. MegaCorps get a higher administrative cap (how large your empire can grow without sufferingpenaltiessuch as tech and unity cost increases), but take double the penalty that normal empires ...
Corporate Culture: Conduct business on a galaxy-wide scale with a host of new civics. By constructing Branch Offices on planets within empires you have trade agreements with, add a portion of the planet’s Trade Value to your network. Using the new Corporate Authority ...
–Six Arrows of Kemalism: logo of the ideology set up by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founder of the Republic of Turkey. Used by the Republican People’s Party today. –Kocsabanci: a merger between the logos of Koç and Sabanci Holding, the biggest corporate holdings of Turkey. Good for plutoc...
Corporate Culture: Bigwigs and C-suite execs of a MegaCorp can conduct business on a galaxy-wide scale with a host of new civics. By constructing Branch Offices on planets within empires they have trade agreements with, the MegaCorp can add a portion of the planet’s Trade...
More civics for megacorp, machines and hives. Implement some civics which can be used across standard and certain dlc authorities. Implement actual differences between how dictatorships, oligarchies, democracies and imperial nations put decisions, policies and edicts into place. Implement planetary and...
A look at a MegaChurch's Corporate Branch. The unique Temple of Prosperity increases the MegaChurch branch's income and gives benefits to the host planet by creating jobs for Prosperity Preachers, which increase spiritualist ethos attraction and trade value. ...
* Autochthon Monument, Corporate Monument, and Simulation Site building lines now generate a small amount of Unity and increase Unity generation from jobs on their planet.* 先驱者纪念碑、企业文化馆和模拟中心建筑线现在会产出少量凝聚力并提升行星上其他岗位的凝聚力产出。* Autochthon Monuments and other...