Join the ride and steal the show in the ultimate Steep experience! Ride a massive open world of the Alps and Alaska, master 8 extreme sports and go for the gold in the legendary winter sports competition : the X Games!
Steep X Games Gold Edition includes Steep base game, the Season Pass year 1 and the X Games Pass. Freely discover the mountain open world through snowy terrains and the skies, ride along with your friends and mix sports to create wild stunts, express your creativity and push your skills to...
《Steep》X Games 黃金版包含《Steep》主遊戲、第 1 年 Season Pass 和 X Games Pass。玩家可以穿梭於雪地和藍天之間自由探索山區開放世界、與好友一起滑雪並融合各種運動來創造狂野特技、盡情展現創意、將個人技能發揮到極限以完成瘋狂特技,成為 X Games 的自由式滑雪名人,還能享受各種激發腎上腺素和趣味的額外內容...
Join the ride and steal the show in the ultimate Steep experience! Ride a massive open world of the Alps and Alaska, master 8 extreme sports and go for the gold in the legendary winter sports competition : the X Games!
萌新求我,想入手这款游戏,请问买了x-Games Gold Edition 那个扩展包还要买吗 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2021-03-17 14:32回复 吃仓鼠的猫 中级粉丝 2 还要买两个 来自Android客户端2楼2021-03-17 18:11 收起回复 风散 中级粉丝 2 黄金版我已经买了,我不知道除了游戏本体还有啥多的东西,求解...
Become a winter sports legend in the ultimate Steep experience. Pull off insane tricks as you push your skills to their limits and beyond. Then, dive into the X Games for a whole new level of competition. Includes Steep base game, Season Pass Year 1, and
开发商: Ubisoft Annecy,Ubisoft Montpellier,Ubisoft Kiev + 发行商: Ubisoft 该产品的热门用户自定义标签: 体育开放世界多人动作模拟氛围雪 + 想要将此项目添加至您的愿望单、关注它或标记为已忽略,请先 单人 线上玩家对战 Steam 集换式卡牌 应用内购买 ...
Mærk actionsuset, og stjæl rampelyset i den ultimative Steep-oplevelse Oplev de enorme åbne verdener i Alperne og Alaska, behersk otte ekstremsportsgrene, og gå efter guldet i den legendariske vintersportskonkurrence X Games Steep X Games
征服《Steep》史上最出色的滑雪场来赢得 X Games 金牌并克服高难度挑战吧。使用《90 年代》DLC 为游戏增添怀旧氛围,操控你的火箭飞鼠装,在美到窒息的景观里展现疯狂特技。