准确来说是没办法显示桌面。游戏模式返回桌面黑屏。 以下是解决办法: 在游戏模式接上键盘按ctrl+alt+F5进入命令行模式 输入用户名默认为 deck,输入密码 登陆成功后输入:cd .local/share/kscreen/再输入:rm -rf * (执行该命令时一定要确保在kscreen目录下面否则后果自负)删除kscreen目录下所有文件及子目录 完成后...
(Windows) Steam Deck Tools是专门针对windows下开发的steam工具,有风扇控制,功率控制,性能显示,控制器设置的功能,能在游戏里开启OSD(On Screen Display),查看并相应调整,是非常实用的插件,弥补了windows steam缺少各项功能的痛点。网址:https://github.com/ayufa防吞n/steam-deck-tools分流:https://pan.baidu.com...
Steam Deck is a powerful mini-gaming console capable of running many modern AAA titles. But, sometimes, on this device, your enjoyment may stop when it doesn’t boot up and remain stuck on the launch screen. Usually, Steam Deck would take about10-15 minutesto boot.Fortunately, there are ...
Steam 礼物卡 以游戏为赠礼 推荐 由好友推荐 由鉴赏家推荐 标签 浏览分类 热销商品 新品 即将推出 优惠 VR 作品 支持控制器 非常适合 Deck 按类型浏览 免费开玩 抢先体验 休闲 体育 冒险 动作 大型多人在线 模拟 独立 竞速 策略 角色扮演 您的商店
Finally, connect the power supply to the Steam Deck and turn it on. You have successfully fixed the Steam Deck touchscreen not working or the screen unresponsive problem easily. A bug causes the issue, and many people have managed to fix the problem by following the steps above. ...
Discharge the Steam Deck’s Battery Afterward, connect it to a charger and press the power button if it doesn’t turn on automatically. Confirm that the Steam Deck is no longer stuck on the logo screen. 3. Start the Deck After Removing the SD Card ...
用千秋串流ps5链接..我也发生和你一样的问题,后来解决了,问题出在flipscreen填写用户名这一环节,第一,填写的必须是psn 用户ID,不能是登录的邮箱地址,第二,填写完以后必须要点击提交,我出错就是因为用deck键
Steam Deck lets you take your favorite PC games wherever you go. Here's our favorite PC games to play on the go with Valve's handheld.
Since updating to SteamOS versions 3.5.5 and higher on Steam Deck, games crash after a few minutes of gameplay and the console reboots with a "verifying installation" screen upon restart. This occurs throughout all games (both steam and non-steam) and there are also noticeable graphical ...
设置过了安全密码,就剩最后一步了,在这里输入安装插件商店的指令,指令有几十个字符,不想按键盘抄的,可以使用LocalSend把文本从电脑、手机上传到steamdeck中,复制然后粘贴。 首先粘贴一下插件商店的官方安装指令,这个指令在国内基本都会因为网络原因失败: