如果你确定这是你真正想要的,那么最快的方式实际上是避免完全转换,并使用 std::lexicographical_compare:#include <algorithm> const char* s = ...; std::wstring ws = ...; const char* s_end = s + strlen(s); bool is_ws_less_than_s = std::lexicographical_compare(ws.begin, ws.end(), s...
wchar_t and char are clearly using different character sets so you cannot compare them using a typical char-for-char string comparison. Typically, you would convert the char* string to a wchar_t* string (using mbtowcs or MultiByteToWideChar) so you can compare them both as Unicode strings, ...
std::lexicographical_compare:#include <algorithm> const char* s = ...; std::wstring ws = ....
wstring, int, NOCASECOMPARE_STRUCT> m_IndexLookup; return m_pColumns[it->second]; return nullptr;上面的代码会产生编译错误虽然几乎不可能读取数百行STL编译错误,但Visual确实选择了 浏览9提问于2019-10-01得票数 0 回答已采纳 3回答 如何将两个wchar_t*连接在一起? 我有一个基本的wchar_t*,我希望...
compare(public member function) starts_with checks if the string starts with the given prefix (public member function) (C++20) ends_with checks if the string ends with the given suffix (public member function) (C++20) replaces specified portion of a string ...
The standard library contains many useful classes -- but perhaps the most useful is std::string. std::string (and std::wstring) is a string class that provides many operations to assign, compare, and modify strings. In this chapter, we’ll look into these string classes in depth. ...
= std::wstring::npos || wstrPathName.find(_T("\\/")) != std::wstring::npos) { bIsLegal = FALSE; } if (wstrPathName.size() > 150) { bIsLegal = FALSE; } if (TRUE == bIsLegal) { TCHAR* szUnLegalChars = L"/:*?\"<>|"; std::wstring wstrPathNameWithoutHead = wstr...
How do I Compare two Dates How do i compile this code in visual studio? How do I create a .lib (static library) file, by assembling a .asm file in Visual Studio 2010? How do I created a managed C++ DLL, that implements a C# interface? How do I debug .bat and .cmd files. How...
erase (30) find (30) begin (30) compare (30) clear (30) at (30) c_str (30) data (21) find_last_not_of (18) insert (18) push_back (15) empty (12) cbegin (11) back (10) rend (10) reserve (10) cend (10) capacity (3) pop_back...
Lowercase std::string compare? by: Jim Langston | last post by: Is there any builtin lowercase std::string compare? Right now I'm doing this: if ( _stricmp( AmmoTypeText.c_str(), "GunBullet" ) == 0 ) AmmoType = Item_Ammo_GunBullet; Is there anything the... C / C++ ...