basic_ostream& write( const char_type* s, std::streamsize count ); 表现为UnformattedOutputFunction.在构造和检查哨兵对象之后,输出字符数组中第一个元素指向的连续位置的字符。s将字符插入到输出序列中,直到出现下列情况之一: 一点儿没错count插入字符 ...
basic_ostream&write(constchar_type*s,std::streamsizecount); Behaves as anUnformattedOutputFunction. After constructing and checking the sentry object, outputs the characters from successive locations in the character array whose first element is pointed to bys. Characters are inserted into the output ...
So I get that it writes a chunk of characters from a buffer into the stream. And the number of characters are the bytes specified bycount. But there are a few things of which I'm not sure. These are my questions: Should I usewriteonly when I want to specifyhow manybytes I want t...
setstate(ios_base::badbit, true); _CATCH_END #define _CATCH_IO_(x) _CATCH_ALL \ (x).setstate(ios_base::badbit, true); _CATCH_END _STD_BEGIN // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_ostream template<class _E, class _Tr = char_traits<_E> > class basic_ostream : virtual public basic_ios<_E, ...
(const Number<B,N,T>& sumando) const; std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os)const; }; template <size_t B, size_t N, typename T> Number<B,N,T>::Number(int valor) { toBase(valor); std::cout << write() << std::endl; } template <size_t B, size_t N, typename T> void...
Writes uncommitted changes to the underlying output sequence. Behaves as anUnformattedOutputFunction. Ifrdbuf()is a null pointer, the sentry object is not constructed. Otherwise, after constructing and checking the sentry object, callsrdbuf()->pubsync(). If the call returns-1, callssetstate(badb...
As far as I can tell it's perfectly acceptable to write code using "vec" types on the host side (either for actual computation ala AVX without intrinsics, or just to setup data to eventually be passed to a SYCL kernel that uses "vec" types). I...
代码十分简单,通过对比vs,得知gcc调用的是ostream.tcc文件中的write函数write(const _CharT* __s, streamsize __n)。 vs中是定义在ostream文件中的write(const _Elem* _Str,streamsize _Count),gcc中有write(const char_type* __s,streamsize__n);源码地址
write(f.n, 5); } return os; } int main() { Foo f = { "abcde" }; std::cout << f << '\n'; } 输出: abcde参阅operator<< 插入带格式数据 (公开成员函数) 首页 社区专页 新闻动态 最近更改 随机页面 帮助 链入页面 相关更改 上传文件 特殊页面 打印版本 永久链接 页面信息 其他语言 ...
class ostream_iterator : public std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> std::ostream_iteratoris a single-passOutputIteratorthat writes successive objects of typeTinto thestd::basic_ostreamobject for which it was constructed, usingoperator<<. Optional delimiter string is ...